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When it came time for Tiffany and her daughter to leave that evening, Max wasn't very happy. He didn't want his friend to leave, and Anne didn't want to leave her new friend either. Seems both the toddlers were being super fussy. "Now Maximum, Anne has to go home." Draco said, picking Max off his feet and put him on his hip. "Ah!" He whined, before Taylor ruffled his hair. "They will be back very soon, let's not be a fussy head for daddy." He said, getting a mad look by the toddler. Draco chuckled. "Harry is just fine with you coming after school for a while. So we can get your hours and see what more we can do to give you a hand with Miss Anne." Draco said and she gave a nod. "Thank you, very much." She said.

Draco pulled the blanket up over Max, who was still being a fussy boy. "Max, why are you still being so fussy? Your friend will be coming back very soon." Draco said and Harry came to lend on the door. "Max, why don't you tell daddy what you told me?" Harry asked and Draco turned around. "What's going on?" Draco frowned. "She's lying about what is going on with her baby daddy, but I also spoke to her father...so it's his fault. She just afraid I'd say Taylor isn't willing to deal with it. I'm going to get him dealt with, which... unfortunately, means, she might end up staying here for a little while." Harry said. "What is she lying about?" Draco asked, as Max sat up in the bed. "want...Annie!" He fussed and Draco gave him a pat on the head. "Her father made her marry the guy, and still doesn't believe her. She's been abused by the ass for almost two years. I'm not sure if Anne mark was by him or just form her playing. It looks like one Max gets all the times so I can't say for sure he is hurting the toddler, but I know for sure...I need to get her out of that apartment before a little girl, loosing her mum." Harry said and Draco frowned. "Please go get them. I'll talk to the children, but this is about her and Anne's safety." Draco said and Harry gave his husband a light nod.

Harry knocked on the door to a studio apartment less then half an hour later. A knock that wasn't being answered. "Tiffany, opened the door." Harry said, before putting his ear up to the door. Music was playing, but he heard little Anne crying. So, he broke opened the door. Anna was sitting in a play pen, she seemed fine other then just crying. Harry walked over. "Sweetie, where is your mommy at?" Harry said, but she couldn't talk good. She was just a little over a year old. Harry lend down, picking up the girl who nuzzled to his side. "Let's find your mommy." Harry said, but ended up putting her on her feet and he eased down on his knees. "Stay here, okay? I'm going to find your mommy." Harry said, giving the still teary eyed girl a pat on the head.
The music was coming form the bathroom, the only other door in the apartment, one that was also locked. "Tiffany?" Harry said, knocking on the door. Harry heard something break, before coughing was heard. "...Mr...potter?" Tiffany said. "I got Anne, Tiffany. Can I come in?" Harry said. "It's...locked." she whispered. "Get away form the door, if you can." Harry said.

Harry pulled out the pocket knife, once breaking opened the door, and cut the rope that held her wrist together behind her back, moving her hair. The handprint around her neck was more then likely going to form a bruise. He pulled off his jacket and eased on her shoulders. "Can you walk?" Harry asked, but she just kept quiet. Harry picked her up off the bathroom floor.

Anne sat on his lap, and Tiffany laid asleep in the hospital bed. "Do I even bother to call her parents?" Asked her doctor. "No, I got her." Harry said, giving the little girl a pat on her head. "I'll send the report, but it seems to disappear each time." He said. "Thank you. How is she?" Harry asked. "Nothing broken. Just bruised up. Do you know if she's breastfeeding still?" He asked. "I don't know, just in case, don't. Once she wakes up, I'll talk to her." Harry said and he nodded. "She needs somebody on her side...The bastard will end up killing her if not." He said. "I don't plan on letting that happened, please. Have my son, Taylor, called down to the hospital." Harry asked and he nodded.

"Why wouldn't she have told me?" Taylor said, picking Anne up off Harry's lap. Anne then nuzzled to his chest. "My guess? With nobody on her side for nearly two years, she felt like she couldn't tell you, son. Just, stay with her right now. I need to get the matter dealt with. Little Anne here is very upset. I wouldn't try and lay her down yet. Just stay with them." Harry said, before he exited the hospital room.

"Hey." Taylor said softly, when he seen she was awake. Anne wiggled up on the bed, and under the blankets. "Pa said you don't need to talk for a little while, here." He said, handing her a notebook and pen.

"Your father signed her out, and called a cab to pick you three up. Take her back to your house and stay with her. Your fathers orders." Said the doctor, before handing Taylor the paperwork. "He won't tell me, why?" He whined. "You can take that up with him at a later time, he says just do what he says for now." Said the doctor, before exited the hospital room. "Come on, let's get you out of here."

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