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"Pa, really. I'm okay." Brittany said, easing to her knees. "Do you have any idea what might be wrong with Samuel?" Harry asked. "He's been walking around alot, like he looking for something, something he can't seemed to find. He won't tell me what it is, or I would help." She said. "I suppose I will try and talk to him again once he wakes up, again." Harry said, placing a kiss on her head. "Your joining dinner, though. You need to eat something. I don't want you thinking negative about yourself." Harry said and she slowly nodded. "Okay, pappy."

She replied.
Harry waited until Samuel woke up and tried talking to Samuel again. "...My attic isn't here..." He finally mumbled after Harry thought for a while Harry smiled lightly. "Follow me." Harry said, and took him downstairs. Their basement was in three parts. "It's...used..." He whispered and he wasn't wrong. The first part was, and the second spot was a half bath, but Harry unlocked a door and pushed it opened. "It's small, but I can remove the couple of things out of it." Harry said, and quickly pulled the two bigger objects out of the small room. Samuel slowly walked inside and walked around the small room.

He smiled lightly. "Bring what you want down here. Just, if you know you are going to be here a while, leave a note. So we don't have to worry." Harry said and he nodded. "Try and find a way to let us know, before you get so bad. We want you to get better." Harry said. "Try." He whispered.
Draco felt the kiss on his cheek. Draco smiled. "Did you talk to Sammy?" Draco asked, before letting out a little noise. Harry shoved his hand down Draco's jammies bottoms. "Ask me later." Harry said in his ear.

Draco's. "N-not fair." Draco half moam out, covering his mouth with his hand as Harry started to toy with him. "You just bend over, or do you want me to toy with you for a moment?" Harry asked and Draco shook his head. "Then bend over." Harry said.
Draco laid asleep after there actives we're done, and Harry come outside the bedroom, dressed. Max and Tiffany were running around the hallway, well, Tiffany was trying to keep up. She ended up falling to her knees. Max heard and turned around. "pa...helpy!"

He said and Harry smiled lightly. He eased Tiffany back to her feet. "How about taking your friend to play a game?" Harry said and Max shook his head before the tots went off again.
"Boys." Harry half laughed when he enter the living room. Tyler falling off the lap of his new boyfriend, red in the face. "Pa!" He whined, getting pulled to his feet. "You have a bedroom." Harry said. "Taylor and Tiffany are in there. Talking. Again." Tyler said. "Well, when your in a common room of the house, expect to get interrupted." Harry said, before walking

Into the kitchen. Tyler just walked into the kitchen behind him. "You could have just left us alone." He said, still embarrassed. "Now, where is the fun in that?" Harry joked. "Pa." He whined. "You just run alone now, Tyler." Harry said, opening the refrigerator. "Come." Said the boy in the living room and Tyler nodded, leaving Harry in the kitchen, to fix himself something to eat.
Harry was just about to bite into his sandwich when theo whined out. Harry raised an eyebrow, looking down at the four year old boy. He also had autism and was the

Twin of Grey. "What's the matter, little man?" Harry asked and the boy slowly climbed up on his lap. Harry gave his head a small pat, before he frowned. Harry hand went to the small boys forehead. He was running a fever. "Oh, baby. Come. Let's get you feeling better." Harry said, and left the uneat sandwich on the table.
An hour later, a little early, but Theo was sick, Harry was pulling the blanket up over the small child. Theo was asleep after some medicine and a cool bath. "Brother...sick." Gray frown. "Your brother will be okay.

Can you tell me what's going on with sister?" Harry asked and he frowned. "She doesn't think she's pretty." He whispered like it was suppose to be a a secret. "Yeah...I though it was something like that." Harry frowned, patting his head. "Thank you. Go play sweetie." Harry said, and went to find Brittany. She was sitting at the table, with her arm crossed. Taylor has for word she really hadn't been eating. "You aren't the boss of me though!" She fussed. "But I am." Harry said. "Ugh." She mumbled. "How did you find out?" Harry asked. "Tiffany overheard you

Guys." Taylor said. "You'll stay right there until you eat your food, Brittany." Harry said. "I have orders to finish!" She whined. "Then I suggest you eat something and keep that ridiculous though out of your head." Harry said and she huffed. "You don't understand..." She mumbled, but slowly picked up the fork. "I understand what's going on with you, but it isn't the truth, sweetheart. I want you to understand that." Harry said and she shrugged her shoulders. "doubtful." She mumbled, but slowly started to eat. Harry gave her a pat on the head. "Where is Tiffany?" Harry asked.

"Asleep, finally. Anne is still trying to keep up with max. Her knees are getting all marked up because of the carpet." Taylor said. "She'll be okay. It's max needs a friend's." Harry said. "He is Russian, right?" Taylor asked. "Biologically, yes. Both his parents were killed." Harry said. "I know, that's how the adoption went through on the boy. The school wants a family tree thing, but I haven't really an idea on how I'm suppose to do that..." He whispered. "Your biological family, because just like health reasons, they are still your heritage." Harry said and he shrugged

His shoulders.

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