chapter 22

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Taylor shot up in the bed, putting his hands to his head and little out a scream that brought a half dress Harry to his side. "Hey, Talk to me." Harry whispered fighting to push his hand down to his lap. "Stop!" He scream. "shh, wake up, Taylor." Harry said. "No! Stop it!" He cried before Harry had to pend the boy to him to keep him form trying to fight something that wasn't there. "Please, son. Wake up for me." Harry frown. "Draco! I need some ice!" Harry called for and Draco hurried into the bedroom with some ice.

Taylor throw a punch when he did wake up, getting his wrist grabbed by Harry. "Hey, calm down. Just me and your daddy here." Harry said, only to let out a noise when Taylor just buried his head into Harry's chest and just started to cry. "Shh. I got you, Taylor." Harry said, wrapping the boy in a tight hug. "just...make them...stop." He sobbed. "I promise we are working on it, Taylor. Just talk to me, please." Harry said. "No...I don't...want Tyler-" Taylor whispered. "Just me and you, Taylor." Harry said. "I...want coffee." He whispered. "come." Harry said.

Taylor sat a little folded at the table in the dinning area. It was still pretty early, so only Draco and max was up. Harry sat down the two cups off coffee, before joining the table not to far from Taylor. "Your file only told us a little about what happened to your parents, sometimes there isn't much they learn. They worry more about placing children then worrying to much about the deaths." Harry said. "I...understand. I think...sometimes they hope the children will forget if the deaths aren't talked about..." Taylor said. "In some cases, it can help...However you and your brother were older, and you were there." Harry said. "Yeah...I...was sick, so they sent me home early...our big brother was already dead, and I just hurried to our parents mum...begged him not to hurt me..., I got hit...with something.....Just... screaming and crying...and the smell of blood..." Taylor whispered, letting out a mumbled of something. "Get ready for school? I'll see if I can't get you into the doctor sooner." Harry said. "I...want to go by the house ..... It's mine and Tyler's once we turn eighteen..." He whispered. "I'll...have to think about that. I don't feel as if right now is the best time for you to be going to such a triggered filled area." Harry said. "Please? We never went and stuff...and we have to get it fixed up." Taylor said. "Why? There isn't a rush. Just because you two turn eighteen, doesn't mean a thing. You two don't leave until your wedding day." Harry said, to get a funny look. "Sometimes...people don't always marry young." Taylor said. "Then we can talk about it once your Twenty-one, but I doubt you'll be leaving until you're married." Harry said. "oh, okay." Taylor then said.

"I thought pa said you couldn't go there?" Brittany said after school. "Taylor please. Harry will be very upset if you deliberately disobey him!" Tyler said. "Then take Brittany home, I'll go alone." Taylor said. "No! You can't fix what happened. Going back there is just going to make you worst, let's go home." Tyler said. "I AM going home." Taylor said, before running off.

Harry pushed opened the front door to the house. It was run down and very cold inside. The fire place had been light. "Taylor." Harry called for, looking through the smaller house before finding Taylor buried in the blanket. "Taylor, this isn't the answer." Harry said, easing the blanket off his head. "...I know... You don't... understand." He whispered. "I'll never fully understand no, but this isn't the answer." Harry said. "They... didn' anything to anybody..." He mumbled. "I know, sweetheart, I know. I'm sorry you have to go through all this, but you aren't alone. I promise." Harry said, before Taylor slowly sat up. " light the fire place?" He then asked. "I... assumed you did." Harry replied.

"You brother....are you sure he was killed?" Harry asked. "they... wouldn't have put us in the system if he wasn't...Harry." Taylor said. "Your brother had autism, even if he was stable and stuff then...there is no telling what he could have stuffered it." Harry said and after a moment, Taylor hurried out the bed. "Stay. Let me have a look." Harry said. "He has a spot he always liked to hide...if he got to scared." Taylor said. "How old would he be?" Harry asked. "25. His ten years older...but does that matter? He...would need help too." Taylor said. "His age doesn't matter, no. How old was he, mentally?" Harry asked. "Eighteen...mostly. He still kind of likes...teddies and like shows mean for ten year olds...but his understanding was a new adult...but it took a lot of work for my parents...the they...felt better if he had somebody to go home too in yeah...they wouldn't have told us..." Taylor said, but walked Harry to a small ladder that was down. "The attic?" Harry asked. "Somewhat...not really big enough be like a room, but he made it like a small room. There ... Was even a bed and his books up there." Taylor said, before starting to climb the ladder. "Brother?" Taylor called for, giving a small knock to the little door. Taylor looked down at Harry when the noise like a chain was heard. Taylor was knocked off the ladder by the younger man, who somewhat appeared to look like just a teenager. "Stop! I'm fine." Taylor said, somewhat getting padded by the other. "Ty?" He mumbled. "Fine...but you can't stay here, brother." Taylor said. "Stay." He said, before Harry eased down. "You can't stay here. You know it isn't good for you. We can get you a spot set up, until you get used to things once more. Your brothers will be happy to have you close." Harry said and after a moment. "Come. Brother. Maybe we can get you back on a unit...once you get a little better." Taylor said.

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