S03 E06: Detroit

578 40 245

March 23, 2025

They immediately hit the road last night after the Brooklyn show and have now arrived at Detroit. They didn't really get to go anywhere else aside from the arena because of the tight schedule that they had but they were honestly fine with it because they get to meet some fans

Their driver parked the car at the parking lot and they were getting ready to go out, almost everyone was sitting in the living room waiting for time to pass.

"Do you think that there is a store nearby? I'm hungry."

"I want some rice cakes or something."

Michelle came down from the second floor, drying her hair as she walked to the fridge.

"Give me a list of the food y'all want, I have to go buy groceries for us."

She got a bottle of diet coke, chugging it before closing the fridge.

"When are your parents joining us, Billie?"

Billie shrugged and leaned her head on Isabella's shoulder, her eyes never leaving the Uno cards that she was holding.

"I want them to rest for a bit longer, but they might join us at Europe?"

She looked up at Finneas, whose eyebrows met in the middle since he was also concentrating on the game since everyone was highly competitive.


Billie looked back up at Michelle and gave her a nod.


Michelle nodded in acknowledgment before plopping herself on the ground where Christen and the twins were playing. Christen looked at her wife concerned. Michelle looked tired since she was up all night writing for a project that she was working on with Santana and Scarlett. 

"Did you sleep last night?"

"I tried to, but insomnia is a bitch plus I get my best ideas at 3 am and when I'm in the shower."

"Please don't tell me that you tried doing work in the shower."

Michelle chuckled and shook her head,

"Nope learned my lesson a decade ago."

"Oh god."

They started doing their own thing when there was a sudden knock on the door. Michelle stood up, expecting it to be one of the crew calling them for hair and makeup but it was another person.



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Stephanie and stephaince entered the RV, holding their luggage.

"Did you guys miss me?"

Michelle chuckled as she dragged their bags to the empty room where the opening acts were supposed to stay. Since Sean, Bailey, Kaycee, and Isabella all sleep in her room, the room is empty right now. They would just be moving in the bunks when they are in South America.


"Stephanie finished a bunch of work that I asked her to do so she is here joining us on tour, with stephiance. I'm pretty sure the RV would be noisier now that she is here."


"I'm taking a break from mukbangs and joining the tour."

She gave the camera an evil smile, before looking at Stephiance who was beside her, his panda head on.

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