S05 E36: Opening

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After the World Cup, they all flew the New York since this week is the opening of both of Michelle's shows on Broadway. Right in time for pride month. So Christen took an extra week off (thank god they had no games) and all of them are in New York.

Aside from the opening, they are also going to be looking at the property Lola left them near Manhattan so while they are there, they would be staying with Scarlett and Colin in their house on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. 


"You're moving to Manhattan?" Harold asks from behind the camera.

Michelle shook her head and chuckled. "Nah, Los Angeles is still our home. But because there is so much happening in New York. The Outset HQ is here, the Six and The Prom, it doesn't hurt to have a house here. The apartment is just too small."

"This is Lola's property?"

"Mhm, apparently the old lady splurged her money when she found out she was dying. Unlike other people who would buy clothes, she buys properties apparently."

"Anyway, Santana called and now she's also looking for a house in the upper east side. Looks like we're gonna be neighbors up here too."


Right now, Michelle is in one of the last rehearsals for Prom and later she is going to run at the other theater so she could watch rehearsals there as well.

She couldn't help but smile when she realized they were finally going to officially open in a few days and it was going to be special, especially knowing it was Pride Month.

Michelle had her arms folded on her chest, a smile on her face as she watched the kids dance with huge smiles on their faces, just enjoying dancing with each other. She couldn't believe how energetic the whole room was. She would have thought that they would have been sick of it by now, but they seem to enjoy it more and more every time.

Beth Leavel, one of the "oldies" of the cast, turned to Michelle with a proud smile.

Noticing someone's eyes on her, Michelle turned her head and looked at Beth confused. "Yes, Beth? Is there anything you could do for me?"

"I remember seeing you on stage the first time when you were 4. And now look at you."

"41 years old and almost retired?" Michelle joked, giving Beth a playful look.

Beth scoffed and shook her head. "Knowing you, you are never going to retire." Michelle laughed and nodded her head in agreement. "But I'm proud of you."

"Save the sappiness for the opening Leavel," Michelle playfully punched the broadway veteran, not wanting to have this emotional confrontation this early in the week.


After 2 rounds of practice, Michelle left the Prom cast and ran over to the other theater a few blocks down so she could watch the production of SIX rehearse. This had been something she does ever since they started rehearsing in the theaters so people were kind of used to seeing the choreographer running around the Theater District.

Though that did not generally stop people from filming her every time. Michelle swore she saw a compilation of just her running around the same street the past month on Youtube. If there isn't one, she's pretty sure someone is bound to make it.

Ignoring the phones up and following her as she ran in her red stilettos, she went through the stage door, only to be greeted by their stage doorman, Vince. "Good afternoon Mrs. Press. There are some packages here for you. They're from Mrs. Johansson. Mrs. Santana opened one of the boxes and got the eye cream, I believe."

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