S04 E15: Legacy

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Michelle, Christen, and the twins just landed, giving the crew and the rest of the cast a week break in Berlin since they were going to be flying back to Los Angeles to help Paige and Isabella move into their new apartment.

This was going to open a new era for the whole family, especially with the news that Christen told Mitch a few days ago.

"I think you should take it."

Christen looked at Michelle confused until she finally caught on with what she was saying.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"


"There is something that we found out a few days ago and it would change our lives for sure."

Christen nodded her head and took a deep breath.

"There are 3 life-changing things happening actually. One, Isabella is moving out and going to college, and the other two is something we decided would be kept a secret as of the moment."

Michelle looked at her wife and smiled, squeezing her hand as they reassured each other silently.

"Isabella knows that one of them is when it was in progress but... I don't know."


They both sighed, getting ready to go in their jeep to drive home, only to be met by an empty house.

Michelle looked at Christen with a sad sigh.

"This is just a trailer on when the next 4 years would feel like."

Christen sighed too, trying to stop herself from tearing up. Isabella has been like a daughter to her, and her leaving for college is feels just like how Michelle feels.

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Isabella and Paige decided to drive to the apartment that they were getting in order to make sure that everything was okay before they start unpacking and sending their stuff over.

"Babe, there's a storm on Fridays, and they predict that it would be gone by Sunday. We could move the move on Friday, or we could start our move on Monday so we wouldn't be caught up in the storm."

Isabella hummed, looking around the furnished apartment. She was excited that her girlfriend and she were having their own space, and finally gonna start college after the leap year she took. This was for sure long overdue.

"We could do it earlier. So we could ride the storm out in our cozy, cozy apartment."

She grinned at her, pulling her girlfriend into a kiss.

Once they pulled away, Paige's arm stayed wrapped around Isabella's shoulder, while Isabella's arms were around Paige's waist.

"Now the only problem is breaking the news to the family."

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Michelle and Christen went straight to Cam and Mitchelle's house since they were having a housewarming party. That is also kind of like a family catch-up since that is where they both were telling everyone about the news.

"Are you ready for this?"

Christen nodded her head. Michelle got out of the car, moving over to the passenger's side to open the door for her wife. She gave Michelle a kiss on the cheek as a thank you, grabbing their gift for the couple as they entered the new house with the twins.

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