152. me without you🧭

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Author: divinekth


"You're one of the only reasons I fight for this life," Jimin confessed.

"You're the best thing in my life, baby," Jeongguk said before pressing another kiss to Jimin's lips. "Alongside our precious pup."

Jimin's omega howled in satisfaction, pleased to hear how all-encompassing Jeongguk's love for him and their pup was. You caused this, you made your alpha happy, his omega made sure to note, and who was Jimin to disagree.

or, it's been two years since the attack on their pack separated them, taking Jimin away with a piece of them both nestled tightly in his belly, unbeknownst to either of them. Jeongguk has never stopped looking.


I have poured my heart and soul relentlessly in this sorry over that last few days. I feel like I've put my literal blood, sweat, and tears into this to make is as good as it can be for you.

With that being said, I want to re-emphasize that this story is very much about what's happening in the moment aka Slice of Life! There is some background to Jikook's previously relationship, but it by no means is detailed out.

Who knows, maybe I'll write a prequel all about the foundation and start of their relationship. We shall see ;)

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, it means the world to me. And thank you to my friends who encouraged me to write this and keep me focused. Sorry for bothering you about this story non-stop.


Work Text:

"Yoonah!" Jimin called after his squealing pup as she ran through the thick grass and jumped over fallen branches. Little yips indicated that she was having the time of her life despite Jimin's obvious concern. "Yoonah, how many times do I have to tell you to stay close to me?" 

Jimin braced himself on his hind-legs before he jumped forward in pursuit of his young pup. She was getting further and further away by the second, entranced by all the different smells and sounds coming from this unexplored part of the forest. She was too naive to understand the dangers that could lurk around any corner, despite the fact that Jimin and Hoseok had both warned her many times in the past.

Yoonah was fast in her wolf form, especially at her young age of only a year and a half. Jimin guessed it compensated for her lack of willingness to do much in her human form. Her fur was a light silver, practically white, and an almost direct match to Jimin's own fur. He had hoped, when she was still just a growing pup in his belly, that she would be dark as midnight—like Jeongguk. As it turned out though, it was for the best that she ended up with fur identical to Jimin; she would blend right in with him when he was looking to hide her from potential threats.

Jimin pushed himself faster as his pup continued to run further into the woods. He could see her fur sliding through the tall grass as she moved back and forth, and he was quickly gaining on her. Once he was close enough, he pounced, landing above her. He quickly crouched down to cease her movements and possible get-away, trapping her between his belly and the ground.

"Daddy," Yoonah whined from beneath him.

"Silly pup, how many times have I told you not to run away from me? There's so many dangerous things out here and I would be so sad if something ever happened to you." 

Jimin bellied back slightly so Yoonah's head could pop out. She let another small whine before tilting her head up to nose at Jimin's scent gland and Jimin released calming pheromones to soothe her. The air started filling with Jimin's citrusy lemon scent almost instantly, and he could smell how it started to blend in and take over Yoonah's milky pup scent. She was quick to lick over his scent gland to leave behind her own milk and honey, even though his more prominent scent would overpower hers in no time. Yoonah had yet to develop her own scent, mostly consisting of milk and honey like all pups, and slight notes of Jimin's lemony scent and Jeongguk's strong eucalyptus if someone was close enough to notice them.

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