129. Let's Go Baby🧟‍♂️

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Author: Letsgo_Baby


Day 3 of Jikook Week
"Let's Go Baby"

Work Text:

When Jimin was younger he dreamt about being on stage in front of millions, and when he hit his teens he was making that dream come true. It took a few years before his feet would grace a stage in front of a crowd and rolling camera, but once his foot touched that sacred ground it's never let. Performance after performance, award after award, he would be on that stage, and luckily for him when he looked beside him he would find 6 faces looking back struggling, working just as hard.

Jimin has always been grateful for having his friends, his family next to him, and when the world went to shit he's never been more blessed with the people he surrounded himself with.

It's funny really, Jimin always thought that horror movies though scary were always fake, just pretend but after rolling away on a company car and watching one fan run as fast as they can into another and ripping out their throat, Jimin couldn't blame the blood that spurted out on special effects.

All hell broke loose as their managers sped off to their dormitory tucked away on a secluded mountainside, closed off by walls for privacy but now for safety.

"I can't believe that happened! That really just fucking happened!" Seokjin screamed at the top of his lungs, as Namjoon clutched his shoulders.

"Knock it off we don't know what happened! Turn on the radio somebody!" The ever careful leader still leading even in an event like this.

Breaking news. Nationwide rampage. Unknown cause of extreme violence. Stay home, lock yourself in and wait for the government to advise you further.

One word kept ringing over and over in Jimin's head.


Each member panicked taking out phones to contact loved ones, but Jimin can't move, can't breathe, because his family is in Busan, a five hour drive away, and Jimin doesn't know how to drive, never had time to learn and now they're stranded while Jimin can probably fly to safety and what kind of son—

"Hey, hey, hyung... Jimin I need you to breathe with me okay? Relax focus on me, baby, everything is going to be alright one step at a time."

Jimin's world comes back into focus, as Jungkook clutched his face in between his hands, worried eyes flickering back and forth. His wonderful amazing boyfriend, that Jimin only just recently said he loved to. His tears are wiped away and he slows his gasping to even breaths before he turns his focus to the family in front of him.

Hoseok held hands with Yoongi and Taehyung clutching onto them for life and the blood drained from his face, and his legs trembled. Seokjin had a sad smile on his face as Namjoon held onto him with a solemn look. And Jungkook? Jungkook had Jimin wrapped right in his arms staring back at the group with just as much fear and worry.

"What do we do now?" Hoseok asked voice barely above a whisper, a complete 180 from his usual happy disposition.

"We go home... we pack the essentials and we wait for the news—"

"Oh, bullshit! I'm sorry hyung but you know how these situations go! We've watched the movies, we have to run to somewhere safe!" Taehyung hastily interrupted Namjoon as Yoongi holds him back from lashing out.

"We can't! ...Our families...our friends, what about them?" Jimin shouts, he can't leave his little brother behind, his careful mom, his joyous dad. His family.

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