162. Celebrity Crush⭐️

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Author: Polkari Seuta (VeritasEtVita)


Jungkook thought bringing up celebrity crushes with his boyfriend Jimin would be fun, but it bit him in the butt.


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Beta-ed by the awesome jikookielove. Thank you!

Work Text:

Jungkook really enjoyed his and his boyfriend Jimin's post-coital conversations. After the intense heat of sex and passionate love, it felt good to laugh and just enjoy each other's company.

Right now, Jimin was curled under the old faded yellow duvet (Jungkook made a mental note to buy him another), pressed against him, his legs nudged between Jungkook's. Their bodies were warm and a little sticky, but familiar and filled with easy comfort.

"You know how some couples give their boyfriend or girlfriend a pass on celebrity crushes?" Jungkook brought up, sliding a hand idly up Jimin's waist.

"Hm?" Jimin uttered, his voice soft and gravelly, "What do you mean?"

"Like if you were to let me cheat on you with one celebrity in the world, who—"

"Jungkook, what the hell?" Jimin cut in indignantly, poking him hard in the chest. "What kind of couple does that?"

"It's just for fun, baby," Jungkook soothed, kissing his nose. "I wouldn't really cheat on you. It's just..." Now, he felt bad. It seemed more amusing when he read about it on the internet. "Eh, forget I said anything."

But then Jimin let out a relenting sigh. He burrowed himself further into Jungkook, as if he could lose physical contact with him any second, "No, no, sorry. I'll humor you. Who's your celebrity crush? Wait—IU, right?"

Jungkook giggled and kissed him again; this time on the top of his head. "You know it."

"You're so predictable." Jimin said it in a scoff, but something mild still laced itself through. "But sure. If we were in some twisted universe, I'd allow you to fuck IU... only once, though."

"Once would be all I'd need."

Jimin scowled. He still looked uncomfortable about it. "I can't believe we're having this conversation."

Jungkook didn't want him to go to bed feeling crappy. "Jimin-baby, we don't have to keep talking about it. I know it bothers you—"

"No, no..." Jimin was getting stubborn.

"Fine. How about you?"


"You have a celebrity crush, don't you?" Jungkook went through a mental list of people he recalled Jimin answering with in interviews and random conversation—strangely, he had more vivid memories of Jimin and his preferences than his own. He expected Taeyang from Big Bang. Or the choreographer Brian Puspos. And didn't he say Rachel McAdams one time?

But instead, what came out of his mouth was, "Lee Taemin."

Jungkook's heart sank into his gut. He pulled back to stare at his boyfriend, bewildered. "What?"

Jimin looked confused by his reaction, his eyes wide and far too sweet for the irritation he currently caused him. Maybe he didn't really understand this 'game,' but regardless... "Lee... Taemin? You know—"

"Yeah, I know," Jungkook interrupted, his jaw tense. "Your friend. That doesn't count. Your friends don't count."

"Jungkook-ah, he was my celebrity crush before he was ever my friend."

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