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All Will wanted to do was cuddle with someone until he fell asleep except he couldn't because everyone in the Cube House was either already sleeping or out. He still had hope that he would find someone. Instead of getting up and actually looking for someone, he sent out a tweet.

'searching for someone to cuddle with. hmu. thx.' So he waited. He was already curled up and dozing off by the time there was a soft knock on his door. Will grumbled a little. This person had to wait this long to come cuddle with him?

"Come in," Will's muffled voice said. The door opened and shut. Someone tiptoed to his bed.

"Hey Will. I'm here for the cuddling job. I brought more blankets. And my body." said Jordan playfully. The other instantly perked up. Will wiggled aside to let Jordan lay down.

"Thanks." whispered Will. "I really appreciate it, dude."

"No problem. I'm sleepy anyways."

Will closed his eyes as Jordan got into the bed and got settled. He waited for the rustling to completely stop before he relaxed into the bed. He felt an arm hesitantly rest on his waist. Well. He did ask for cuddling. Will wiggled closer to Jordan. He opened his eyes to find Jordan staring at him.


"Hi. I hope you don't mind. I'm a bit chilly." whispered Will. The latter shook his head slightly and just pulled Will in closer. Jordan gave Will a quick peck on the lips before closing his eyes tightly. "Oh."
Will tapped Jordan's cheek before giving him a sweet peck back. "Love you too."

The two lovebirds kept giving each other pecks before Will started dozing off again with a small smile on his face. Jordan kissed him one last time before submitting into the dreamland that awaited him.

"GUYS! COME LOOK AT THIS!" Ryan stage whispered when he peeked into Will's room. "KIANI IS REAL!"

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