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"What the fuck?" Isaac's question was followed by an annoying ringtone from his phone - the ringtone he had for his boyfriend.

"Hello?" Will's voice rang through Isaac's ears.

"Do you know what fucking time it is you splog?"

" in the morning?"

"One in the morning, Jesus Christ."

"I'll make it up to you," Will whispered in a sultry voice.

A sudden flash of memories hit Isaac; he tried to control himself as he was hit with every moment Will had ever used that voice on him. He was curious as to, "How?"

"Knock knock, Isaac. I think there's someone at your door."

"You didn't."

"Oh, but I did."

Isaac took a peek through the peephole in his door and standing on his porch was Will. Will looking smug about having caught him off guard. Will who had probably planned this once he had heard from Isaac that his family was going on vacation without him.

"Are you going to let me inside? It's a bit chilly out here." Will's voice cut Isaac's thoughts off.

"I might." He slowly unlocked the door to let Will in. He let the door swing open for a dramatic effect. "Hey."

"Where's your bedroom?" The question was left unanswered as Will was slammed against the wall by Isaac.

Isaac was suddenly happier about being left behind.


Will was hidden beneath the blanket he and Isaac were sharing. They had finally managed to make their way into Isaac's bedroom and into his bed. The couple didn't take long to get comfortable with Will pressed up against Isaac.

"I love you."

Will's breath hitched, followed by him holding his breath. He took a moment to control himself. Isaac could feel Will's heart thumping rapidly. Will took a deep breath and made a soft noise of discomfort.

"You don't have t-to s-"

"I love you too, PrivateFearless."


requested :)

I hope whoever requested this finds it acceptable (i'm too lazy to check who asked for kiingfearless). I had a lot of fun writing it tbh. Sorry for an mistakes, I kinda rushed through the editing of this one.

Unrelated: I have a new book coming out today ;) try to guess what it's main focus will be ;))))))))))))))


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