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31/3/00, he doesn't mind photographs

Will was running late to the photo shoot he promised he would do for his best friend. He blamed it on the cute Starbucks barista who was definitely chatting him up. He could only hope that he wouldn't trip and spill coffee all over himself as he jogged to the studio.

"Fuck me. This is why I shouldn't go to Starbucks before a session." muttered Will. "I'm always late to these things. Why the hell do people keep hiring me?" He sipped his coffee calmly before checking the time.


"Oh shit."

Will was wheezing by the time he made it to the studio (damn stairs). He didn't bother with making himself look presentable before stumbling into the room.

Click. Flash.

"What the-" Will rubbed his eyes with a hand. As the spots slowly cleared up, he was able to see the man who would be the photographer. The tattooed man smirked at him before turning his attention to the camera display.

"My name's Jordan," said the man. He continued with a confident tone, "No wonder Ms. Abbott hasn't fired you yet. You look good even when you're gasping for breath."

Will tried to hide the blush.

20/4/01, he sure does make an easy target

The second time they met was at a party.

Will was spread across a royal blue sofa hugging a pillow to his chest with one hand, and the other in a bowl of Chex mix. His eyes were focused on the giant T.V. screen playing a children's animated movie.

Click. Flash.

His brown orbs widened in shock. There was a moment of silence before he heard a low chuckle from across the room. His eyes met with amused hazel.

"Hi." said Will softly. "Do you want to watch Big Hero 6 with me?"

Will sat up and made room for Jordan on the small sofa. They shuffled around for a few seconds more before getting comfortable.

As the night dragged on, they found themselves inching closer and closer to each other. The morning found them wrapped up together on the royal blue sofa.

17/6/02, he's not afraid to laugh

Will was back at the Starbucks that had caused him to be late two years ago. Except this time he was on time, and he was waiting for Jordan, who so happened to be late. His lips twitched.

Knowing Jordan was an adventure. They were constantly visiting obscure places, trying to get the perfect picture.

Dating Jordan was even better. Just last month Jordan had surprised the model at the airport with a suitcase in hand and a cheesy smile. Will was glad he didn't have to sleep alone in an opulently decorated hotel room.

He smiled to himself as he remembered the trip.

Click. Flash.

Will rolled his eyes in pretend exasperation.

7/4/03, he asked

The British man was slumped on the floor with a plate of cake at his side. He lazily ate the chocolatey goodness while he watched his boyfriend work a last minute shoot for some company trying to advertise crap for the Fourth of July.

He didn't understand the point of even trying to advertise at this point, but he kept his opinion to himself and sent sympathetic eyes to the models.

Fairies - kianiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang