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"Will, come here! Come here!" yelled Jordan. He was so fucking drunk after taking eight shots of vodka. He continued to shout for his roommate almost completely forgetting about the stream.

"Yeah?" Will shouted back. Jordan could hear his footsteps coming closer to his room.

"Dude come here! PLEASE." Jordan was starting to slip out of his chair. His cheeks were dusted with pink and his words were slurring.

The stream chat was getting crazier by the minute. "#Kiani" filled the chat quickly.

"Haha, dude, are you drunk already? You barely just started streaming." said Will with a smile on his face. He stood next to Jordan, bending down slightly to look at his monitors.

"I'm so fucked. I'm so fucked, Will. So fucked." Jordan laughed loudly. He looked at the chat. "#Kiani! Woo!" Jordan grabbed Will's arm and tugged him down. Once Will was at eye level, he said, "You guys want to see some Kiani?"

Jordan went straight for Will's mouth. Will stiffened when their lips met. What was Jordan doing?

Will quickly reacted once it had processed that Jordan was drunk and still streaming. He pushed Jordan back, took control of the stream, and ended it.

"Jordan." whispered Will. "I-I..."

"Oh god. What did I just do?"

"I'm going to get you some water." Will practically sprinted away from Jordan's bedroom.

Jordan was so fucked.


Inspired by Jordan's drunk stream XD

Can we just talk about him telling Will that they didn't hug enough at PAX? As well as mentioning that they didn't get to kiss...Ahuh, Jordan xBayani, complaining about people using you for favorites ;)

I'm probably going to download that stream or something if it's in the archives bc it was amazing and hilarious.

Anyway, let me know if you enjoyed the chapter!


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