that fragile Capricorn,

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"I have this bad...habit I guess you could call it." started Jordan. He didn't dare look up at his best friend, Ryan. He didn't want to see the look of disappointment. "I don't talk to people unless they approach me first. And sometimes it really fucking sucks."

"Dude, is this about...?" He glanced up to see Ryan's worried face.

"Yeah, we haven't talked in a while." Jordan tapped his foot lightly. "That's the "really fucking sucks" part."

Ryan giggled briefly before going back into advice mode. "Get up and go talk to him."

"But what if he doesn't want to talk to me, Ry-Ry?"

"Oh, he does."

"How can you-"

"Shut up and go talk to Will, your lover dear."

"Fuck off kindly, Ryan."

Jordan rolled his eyes as he got up from the lunch table with Ryan's giggles as an exit tune. He slowly put one foot in front of the other, thinking about what he could possibly say to Will. Turns out their lunch tables weren't far apart. Jordan tried to breathe deeply to ease his quickly pumping heart.

There was a pause of silence as he stood in front of Will. He quickly cleared his throat, "Uh..hi."

Will smiled so beautifully at him for that simple hello. The brunet decided in that moment that Will's smile was definitely worth his near heart attack.

"Hi, Jordan."

How the fuck had he survived this long without hearing Will's voice?


I have this bad...habit I guess you could call it. I wait for people to talk to me. Why? I don't want to impose. I'm afraid of being turned away. Do any of you guys do that? Wait for people to talk to you?

Ooh, this habit started when I entered high school and suddenly had the power to become invisible at random points throughout the day. Most of the time I spoke, no one heard. I hated that no one listened to what I had to say, and I felt so hurt. I gave up, and began to wait for people to talk to me.

So in conclusion, don't be like me. Let your voice be heard whether you have to elbow (haha elbow...) your way to the microphone or not. This bad habit really screws with your friendships.

The word "elbow" is ruined for me forever now. I'm just going to think Pete Wentz, an inappropriate word I shouldn't say right now, and how one word can easily change a sentence. Thanks fiveamdun

Hope you all have a most lovely day!


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