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Everything started to blur together. The monotonous days created a blob of memories. It was all black and white. A giant mess of nothingness.

He tried to do something different. He tried to change his routine, but it didn't work. Nothing was working. So he gave up on trying.

He allowed himself to sink deeper and deeper into this fog of everything and nothing. He stopped seeing the colors of the world.

Days, months, a year passed and there was no color, just a void. It became his normal.

A spark of color appeared in a form of a friend. He realized just how much he missed seeing the colors of the world.

As they became closer and closer, he began to see more sparks of colors everyday. He wanted to see color again.

They shared their first kiss months later.

After this, he fought with all his might to climb from the pit of darkness he had fallen into. He wanted, needed, to see colors. He needed to remember everything he could. He didn't want this to fade from memory and become just another blob of black and white in his mind.

He wanted to see the splashes of color and the beauty of everyday again.

He began changing and living again. Some days he could see all the colors; other days his mind failed him and everything became dull again. Through it all, he never ceased fighting because now he had someone else to fight to see color for - his boyfriend.

Jordan was tired of seeing everything in black and white anyways.


Sometimes, some people see things in a blur of black and white. They sink deeper and deeper and can't find their way out, but then, they find that spark. Fight for your spark.

Kik: #kianifam (we have a great time over there :))


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