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It was the argument they had when they couldn't decide on what to eat.

"You know what? Fuck you, Jordan. Go fuck yourself."


"You are such an asshole."

It was the grumpy huffs from his fiancé when Jordan had done something wrong again.

He heard another irritated sigh from Will. The tattooed man tried to ignore it and continued pressing buttons on his game controller.

"You know what makes me really fucking angry?"

Jordan rolled his eyes.

"When people don't clean up after themselves."

"Shut the fuck up, Will."


"You're the bitch around here! You always fucking complain."

It was the morning Jordan woke up with a sore back because he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

Jordan groaned as he lifted himself off the piece of shit they called a sofa. Why the fuck did they decide to buy it if it wasn't comfortable?

He heard Will pitter-pattering in their small kitchen, slamming cupboards shut and banging pans onto the stove, he assumed.

The brown eyed man fell back into the crappy sofa.

It was the day Jordan made the situation even worse.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" said Will with a sickly sweet voice.

"Are you fucking deaf?"

"I'm done with your shit. Get out. Right now, Jordan Troyer."

"Fuck you too."

Jordan pulled out his knapsack and shoved as many clothes as he could fit in it. He tried to ignore the ache in his heart.

It was the day Will grieved.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

Will tried to stifle the sob. He felt Jordan's mother squeeze his shoulder. He turned to her, but no words came out.

"It's not your fault."

The tears ran down his pale cheeks.

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