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The ring from his cell phone startled him back to reality. "Hey."

"Hello?" The familiar sound of Will's accent warmed Jordan up immediately. There never once was a time he hated listening to his love's voice. "Will I be seeing you?"

"Yup. I'm here waiting for you. I also have a surprise." Jordan's eyes flickered down to his pocket.

"Come find me Jor." Will whispered excitedly into the phone before hanging up on him.

He wandered until he found the familiar brunet. "Will."

Jordan watched Will spin around with a wide smile on his face. His boyfriend dragged his suitcase behind him as he ran towards him. "Jor!"

Jordan stumbled back slightly at the strength of Will's tackle-hug. The warmth he was feeling before spread even further. "I missed you, Will." He pressed himself as closely as he could to his boyfriend, his head nestled in his neck, taking in the pleasant scent of Will. Jordan could feel his heart calming by just being around his one.

"I missed you too."

They silently hugged each other before they separated with equally beautiful smiles on their faces. It truly had been too long.

Jordan admired his boyfriend for the first time in months. He felt a rush of emotions when he realized that what he was going to do next was really the right and best choice he could ever make.

"Do you remember that surprise I was talking about?" He waited momentarily for Will's nod. Jordan nervously dug through his jeans pocket for the surprise.


"I've missed you so much, Will. Those five months were torture for me, I couldn't stand not being with you everyday. I couldn't stand not being able to touch you. I hated how far away we were." Jordan dropped to a knee. He carefully held his hand up; clutched between those pale spindly fingers shined a ring. "Marry me?"

"Oh my word." Will covered his mouth. He could feel the tears prickling in his eyes. He stared down at the love of his life. The emotions poured out of his muffled voice, "Yes. Yes! Oh my word. Jordan, I love you so so much." He launched himself at his now-fiancé, who was still kneeling on the ground.

"I love you too, petal."


For my petal.


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