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'I'm about to pass out. Probably no vid tomorrow unless I wake up on time. Blame Jordan'

Will's tense body relaxed once the tweet had gone out. His eyes began to droop as the lack of sleep began to take over. He was so tired after staying up all night with Jordan. He didn't want to end their conversation because it had been weeks since they were able to talk. It felt nice being able to talk to his best friend again.

xBayani: '@kiingtong why are you blaming me?'

A loud ding sounded throughout the brunet's room. Will gasped and his eyes flew open. "Fuck! That scared me." He tried to steady his heart while he checked his phone. He rolled his eyes when he saw Jordan's tweet.

'@xBayani it's your fault because you kept me up all night dickhead'

He set his phone down again and sighed. Looks like he was going to have a conversation with Jordan over Twitter. He groaned when he realized that Jordan wouldn't let it end here.

'@kiingtong you could've gone to sleep'

A few seconds later, '@kiingtong I'm just that good ;)'

Will laughed at the second tweet Jordan sent him. Not like it was a lie though.

'@xBayani but i wanted to talk to you...also, yeah you are ;D'

Will got a tweet from someone else.

Graser: '@xBayani @kiingtong stop flirting and just date already'

Will turned pink when he read Graser's tweet. He wished they would date. They had been going through an on-and-off again relationship for the past two years.

'@kiingtong graser's right for once, wanna go out? :)'

Will's heart sped up. Not of worry or even nervousness. His heart was soaring because he would have never imagined that Jordan would have asked him out. Jordan, the one who wanted to work on himself before he dated anyone. Jordan asked him out...on Twitter.

He fell back onto his bed with a groan. Of course! It was on Twitter, it was obviously a joke, and he had to play along. He sighed before typing out his response.

'@xBayani what time? :D'

Two seconds later, Jordan tweeted, 'Expect a new vid with Will soon...irl'.

Will's phone fell onto the floor with a clatter.

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