yours truly,

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"Will, William, Willy Shakes. Are you going to join me? Be my partner in crime?" Jordan whispered seductively in his ear. "You're everything I need, babycakes. I would so love it if you did, Will."

Will smirked.

The past few weeks had been hectic to say the least. Jordan had gone crazy and for once, Will wasn't able to predict it. He was completely surprised when he found a note in his apartment from Jordan.


Meet me at the hideout. We have things to discuss.

-Yours Truly"

Will knew the day would come. He had seen it, but he never expected it to be so soon. Nevertheless, he was thrilled. He would finally be able to see Jordan do his worst.

Will would be able to witness Jordan burning this hell hole to the ground.

He a pleasant chill ran down his spine.

The idea of being able to be a part of the bloodshed Jordan was planning got Will all hot and bothered. Will truly was a sadist.

He wouldn't mind masochism in his life though. As long as it was Jordan causing the pain.


He smiled coyly.

"Anything for you, Mr. J."

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