observing love,

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I'm sick. Someone have any cures for a horrible cough and painful sore throat?

Wanted to read kiani, too lazy to look for anything good to read, decided to finish writing this. Someone pls make a rec list or msg me/comment some good kiani fics. Thanks.

This is crap, sorry.


Parker fancied himself a photographer at times but not because he was good at it, but because he saw certain things others didn't see.


Jordan couldn't stop looking at Will. This was the fourth time he had caught himself gazing at Will and had finally resigned to full-on staring (to hell to anyone who caught him).

He loved Will too much not to stare at him after their first night together. Will was fucking glowing with joy. He was full of energy and good vibes since he had woken that morning.

Will was Jordan's everything and he knew it. He would love him forever if Will let him, and he didn't have a doubt that Will would.

Parker noticed the sudden warmth within Jordan's gaze and with a click he captured it.


It was nothing special. The group of friends were merely walking down an empty sidewalk, the lights from the neon signs guiding them to their next destination. A few of them were laughing loudly up front, some of them lagging in the back.

Will and Jordan thought they were the last two in the group, and thought their touches were safe from curious eyes.

Fingers linked together and sides brushing, they made they perfect image of a shy couple.

Parker admired that shyness and saved it with a click.


Glances are easier to notice but even easier to write off. Glances across the dining room table aren't unusual in the Cube house, it was rather common, but theirs stood out.

Will would see Jordan staring, blush, and look away. He'd spend his time for the rest of the meal peeking up at Jordan with hooded eyes and a light red covering his cheeks.

That clear desire Will didn't even bother to mask in his eyes would in turn make Jordan look up at him occasionally, hoping that their eyes would meet. There were quiet promises being exchanged unseen by most.

Parker delighted so much in watching those quiet promises being formed he had almost forgotten to click.


Standing close to one another was a normality for the two YouTubers but the whispers were different...unique. Whispers were rapidly traded off with an occasional break for a smile or soft laugh at supposedly something funny.

"I love you, Jor."

"Love you more."

"Love you the most."

"Love you the most-est!" Jordan shot Will a winning smile.

Parker pretended not to hear Jordan's final whisper as he walked past the couch the two were sharing; he didn't pretend that it wasn't heartwarming as he cooed and click-ed.


It was nearing afternoon when it was decided that the Cube members remaining in the city were going to stop by Jordan's place and harass him into hanging out with them. They were not expecting to find Will stood on the other side of them clad in a long black tank top stolen from Jordan's floor with the wildest sex hair one could have. An awkward standoff followed until Parker noticed something peculiar (as he does).

"Is...is that a hickey?"

Will's hand instantly flew to cover the bruise on his neck. "N-no."

Only to further his embarrassment, out came Jordan, who wrapped his arms around Will's waist and tugged him closer. "Hey guys. What brings you to our apartment?"

"Our?" Liam questioned incredulously. "How long have you guys been going out for?"

Will looked to Jordan. There was no exchange of words between the two, merely a meeting of eyes, opposite colors attracting and clashing, hoping to come to an agreement - consensus, to the answer for the question. Will blinked slowly at Jordan.

Parker saw the moment for what it was.


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