stage four,

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Please forgive me if there are any mistakes. I'm very tired, but I wanted to get this out as soon as I could. Hope you enjoy~


Sparks - Coldplay

Jordan smiled brightly at Will. His boyfriend scoffed in return before lightly pushing him farther away from the edge of the sidewalk.

"Be careful, ya goof."

"I don't need to be careful."


"I have you to protect me from the dangers of the world!" Jordan laughed loudly before tugging on Will's hand. "And you, you have me to show you the dangers of the world."

Waiting Game - BANKS

He ignored the blush rising on his cheeks. It was nearly impossible when he saw Will smirk at him before he looked back down at his phone.

Jordan's phone vibrated in his lap.


Jordan tried to ignore the feeling he got while he watched Will flirt with the waitress. It wasn't like they were actually dating. It was merely a fling. At least that's what they had agreed to.


Jordan tried to hold in the tears as he listened to the song they first danced to together - a lovely memory. It was all meant to be fun and games.

Unfortunately, they both ended up getting hurt.

Not In That Way - Sam Smith

The brunet turned, pushing away the emotions he got every time he talked to Will.

It was never going to happen.

Jordan had struggled to keep his crush under wraps whenever he was with the cute British teen. He knew Will was straight and would never feel that way about him. It still hurt that he would never be able to tell his best friend how he felt in fear of ruining their relationship.

The tattooed man put on a smile before unmuting his mic.

"Hey, Will!"

I Can't Make You Love Me - Bon Iver

The dark sheets spilled off the sides of the bed and silhouettes covered the floor. Soft whispers into each other's ears being the only sound.

A figure attempted to get up, but was pulled back by the other. He sighed before settling back into the large bed. The smaller man nestled closer into him with a content noise.

The tension dissipated as the night went on and the moon rose. Their hearts synced as they did on these nights. It was never the last no matter how hard they fought.

It didn't matter which man it was who started the fight. It always ended with one of them whispering,

"Just tonight."

Cape Town - The Young Veins (we meet again Ryan Ross)

Their relationship was...unorthodox to say the least.

They met at a park, Will hanging out with some of his friends and Jordan walking a friend's dog.

The two had immediately kicked it off. They jumped into a relationship headfirst without a second thought.

Jordan and Will were married within two months. They didn't regret it for a second no matter how many lectures they got from their families and their friends.

Fairies - kianiWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu