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IMPORTANT: I'm thinking about ending this book very soon. What do you guys think would be a good number of chapters to end on?

Also, if you have any ideas or requests, etc...please let me know via comment or however you want to contact me.

Thank you for all of the lovely comments on the last chapter. The support is much appreciated <3


Red was his favorite color, however, it didn't always hold the memories it does now for Will.


"What's your safeword?" A common question whispered in their bedroom.

"Amaranth." Always the answer.

Red silk to blind him of the sight of Jordan. Red silk rope to keep him from touching.

"Do you trust me?"

"Always, sir."


It was Valentine's Day. The day when people run around trying to find last minute presents suitable for their partners. Luckily, Jordan and Will had decided to skip the commercialized holiday and in substitute had their usual evening of snuggling on the couch and watching movies.

Will didn't particularly care that he wasn't receiving red roses, or a red box of chocolates from his boyfriend.

He didn't care that it was Valentine's Day either.

In his view, everyday with Jordan was amazing and he didn't need a commercialized holiday to prove his love for Jordan.

Will smiled nonetheless when Jordan presented red roses and a red box of chocolates every Valentine's despite always promising to not celebrate it.


"I got you something!" shouted Jordan when he pushed the door open to their apartment. He spotted Will laying on their floor in front of the T.V. "What're you doing down there, love?"

"I fell but I got too tired to get up." muttered Will as he stared at the ceiling.

"Oh. Well, I got you a present!" He tossed a thin box at Will.

"What is it?" Will peeled the tape off of the box and cautiously slid the lid off. He smiled brightly at his boyfriend. "Thanks."

"You were complaining about being cold all the time. Besides, you get sick constantly."

Will caught Jordan's hand and tugged him to the ground. He planted a sloppy kiss on his boyfriend's cheek. "Thank you for the scarf, Jor."

Later Jordan would find him playing with the tassels to his dark red scarf while smiling up at the sky.


 "You don't have to do this you know." Will looked away as he spoke softly to Jordan.

"I don't." agreed Jordan. He continued on.

"I can do it myself." Will tried to look away from the red dripping onto the bathroom tile.

"You can." Jordan didn't seem to pay any attention to the dripping.

Will huffed. "Why are you helping me?"

"Because I love you."

The dripping seemed to stop.


"Sir, does this outfit meet your approval?" asked Will as he stared at himself in the mirror. He saw his master's reflection twirl a finger at him. He slowly spun, hoping his skirt wouldn't float up - that was for later.

"My pretty kitten. You always look good, sweetheart." Jordan answered smoothly. His eyes beckoned Will close. He waited until Will was straddling his hips before continuing. "I'd very much like to eat you up, kitten."

"You can do anything you'd like to me, Master. I'm yours to use as you please." whispered Will. He tightened his grip on Jordan's shoulder when he felt him trace the edge of the red ribbon tied to his neck.

"Such a polite and beautiful kitten." Jordan's hands wandered up Will's skirt to touch lace. His eyes darkened. "What a lovely surprise."

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