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It was hard to tell whether someone was avoiding you online or if they were just missing your tweets.

At first, Jordan just wrote it off as the latter (why would Will be avoiding him?).

Tweet after tweet was received with an occasional reply a couple of hours later saying some bullshit about being too busy with a promise to record on a later date (unspecified: soon).

The brunet just went on with his day, trying not to think too deeply about Will's apparent busyness. It wasn't unusual for Will to be swamped with work (constantly building for Graser and editing other people's videos).

Jordan couldn't shrug off the feeling that something was about to go wrong (he hoped he was wrong).

After weeks of silence from his best friend, Jordan bought a ticket to England (a rash idea, but it would get a point across).

He was going to make everything right again (starting off with a confession of love).


Just a quick thing I wrote. Let me know if you liked it.

Maybe another chapter out today,


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