rainbow mug,

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Jordan picked his mug up and took a sip of water absentmindedly. A memory from just an hour ago flashed to his mind.

The black cat approached the white mug, smelling it cautiously. Sam stuck his head as close as he could to it. Jordan heard the light sound of the cat lapping up water.

"Sam, that isn't for you." He swatted softly at the cat.

Jordan quickly spit the water into his hands.

"That's gross, Jor." giggled Will. He hid his smile behind his hand.

"I forgot."

"I know. I watched the whole thing," Will's face turned a light red at the implications of his sentence. He held up his drawing book with a light sketch of Jordan covering the page.

"Why always me?"

"You deserve to be drawn."

Another chapter! Yay! Just a short little thing. Got the inspiration bc I drank from my rainbow mug...and yeah. Luckily no one saw me spit out the water.

100 chapters? Does that seem like a good number of chaps?


Fairies - kianiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora