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It's nearing three a.m. and Will was not getting any closer to sleep. Luckily, he had Jordan to keep him company on those sleepless nights.

"I'm sleepy," whispered Will as he traced his boyfriend's tattoos. He honestly couldn't help himself when it came to Jordan's tattoos.

"I know, babe. Do you think you'll fall asleep soon?" Jordan had his eyes closed. He wanted to stay up with Will, but he was so close to falling asleep. He had a busy day of recording and editing, and he was ready for sleep.

"Mm, I dunno. You don't have to stay up with me. I won't die without you being awake with me." said Will. It was like Will could read his mind sometimes. It made for being an awesome boyfriend when Jordan was craving something (namely food). Will cuddled closer to Jordan, trying to get warmer and cozier. "I'll probably pass out in a couple of minutes anyways."

Light breathes followed. Jordan had fallen asleep. The Brit smiled up at his boyfriend. He looked so cute when he was sleeping, but then again, everyone said that about their partner. Jordan was the cutest of them all. He was the cutest maid of all the land.

Will snickered and mimicked Jordan's voice, "What a cutie!"

A few minutes passed, now 3:10, and Will was slowly approaching the darkness he so craved for. Yawn after yawn hit him. His eyes were drooping, and he was starting to relax completely.

"Love you, Jor." murmured Will as he finally reached his dreams. Before he was completely gone, he felt Jordan's arms tighten around him. A mumble sounded from Jordan. Will took it as an, "I love you too, Will."

Thanks for reading! And thank you to the people that have voted/commented so far! :)
Hope you guys are enjoying, let me know what you think and if you have any ideas/prompts for me!

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