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The couple was cuddled on the couch, sharing a soft light green blanket. Will was settled between Jordan's long legs with his head pillowed on Jordan's shoulder. He could almost purr with content from how cozy Jordan made him feel by a simple touch.

Will sunk into a blissful state between conscious and unconscious. His thoughts moved slowly, being mulled over one by one. He found it harder and harder to keep his thoughts to himself as he drifted.

"Your hair is really soft today." The British teen snuggled closer into Jordan and tried to ignore the urge to pet Jordan's hair.

A sniff to Jordan's neck and Will quickly mumbled, "You smell like peaches for some reason."

"I love you~!" Will attempted to kiss Jordan's cheek, missed, and ended up kissing his jaw.

"I want to marry you." Probably never to be carried out due to Jordan's fear of ultimate commitment despite them being together for five years now.

Will began to kiss along Jordan's neck as best as he could in his position between Jordan's legs. "You are a sexy beast."

"You're so fluffy." A quick whisper before shutting his eyes again.

"I can't feel my face when I'm with you." Will's brown orbs were visible to the world again, as well as a faint red hue to his cheeks. "I can't believe I just said that."

"You're so cute when you're sleepy, Wim," chuckled Jordan. He kissed the top of his boyfriend's head. He circled his inked arms around his tired sweetheart and muttered, "I can't feel my face when I'm with you either. I guess we should get married."

"Do you mean it?"

"Yes." He kissed Will's nose. "I want to marry you."

"Cool. I want to marry you too. We can go ring shopping later. Right now we need to have sleepy sex on this couch, okay?"

"I'm good with that."

Will hoped the rest of his years with Jordan would consist of sleepy Wednesday afternoons on the couch saying embarrassingly cute things to each other. Thoughts of the future floated away as he was flipped over by Jordan, and was given the beginnings of a lazy handjob.


"Wim" is not a typo.

I wanted to give Will another nickname, and after many hours of researching nicknames, I decided on Wim. Just kidding.

I asked C if she had any ideas, she told me Will was already a nickname, I googled nicknames for William, got Wim, asked C if she liked it, she agreed, then I started using it. The history of Wim.

Anyway, this was inspired by Will's tweet earlier today, "I can't feel my face when I'm with you *insert emoji he used*"

Thanks to Alyssa for the song <3

Thanks for all the support! You guys are crazy...13.9k. I never would have thought.

Hope you liked it :)


Fairies - kianiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin