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When Jordan woke up he felt a warm body snuggling into him. Memories of the previous night flooded his mind. A beautiful smile bloomed on his face. He looked down at his partner.

"I love you so much, Will. I don't know what I would do without you."

"You would probably still have your gay sex virginity." whispered Will back.

"You just ruined the moment." said Jordan with a teasing tone to his voice.

"I''m sorry. Love you too, babe." Will wrapped his arms around Jordan's neck and brought his head in closer to kiss Jordan's cheek.

"I can't fucking stay mad at you, babycakes." Jordan pulled Will closer to him.

"Are we done talking now? I'm really tired."

Jordan chuckled before answering, "Yeah, go back to sleep, you lazy sheep."

"Did you seriously just call me a lazy sheep?"

"Just sleep."

Will huffed at being dismissed by Jordan, but followed his suggestion. He snuggled into Jordan once more before resting his head on Jordan's shoulder and closing his eyes.


Sorry I've been gone. I've been super busy with school and studying for an AP test I have coming up soon

A happy little drabble to spread the (((positive vibes))) because the fam's been sorta hectic and crazy with emotions. Just remember that we'll always be a family whether people leave the Cube or not. They will always be a part of the #CubeFamily :)

-inky :3

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