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Jordan POV

I paid no mind to the door groaning open as someone pushed past it into my bedroom. I heard shuffling by my chest of drawers, perhaps said person was looking through my belongings. They wouldn't find anything worthwhile anyways.

I turned to the spot on my window and began to explain my predicament to the stranger in my bedroom, "There's this part of the window that my curtains don't cover." The shuffling halted. "And I can never get it to cover the spot. When I look out that window all I see is darkness and hopelessness. I never look out that spot when I'm feeling happy, only when I find sadness enveloping me."

The stillness in the room bothered me. Nothing good comes from stillness.

"Why don't you look at the window when you're happy, Jor?"

"Why should I?" I scoffed.

"You would see life and endless possibilities." He always finds the bright side to every situation, unfortunately he can never find the bright side to his own mistakes.

"How does that help the darkness? How does that relieve the pain in my heart that you've caused? How does it help what you've done to me? Tell me how looking out that window helps me, Will."

"You won't be surrounded by the darkness anymore."

"No, instead I'll be surrounded with hope that drowns and suffocates, love that is meaningless and dangerous, life that hangs on by a strand. Is that what you want me to see?" I spat those dirty, defiled words out of my mouth.

"Why do you insist on being pessimistic?"

"Why do you insist on breaking my heart over and over again?"

"Why do you blame me?" I almost laughed at his horrible reply.

"You lied to me. You said you loved me but everything you do is the opposite of love." I hated him for it.

"But you keep letting me into your heart."

"I didn't lie to you when I said that you stole my heart away from me," I whispered. "I didn't lie when I said that I loved you."


I turned to my lover, gazing into his eyes and seeing my own reflection. Disgusting, weak, burnt out. "Please just give me my heart back."

I didn't want to be loved any longer.

Will stayed silent.

"PLEASE GIVE ME MY HEART BACK. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE." I cried into my shaking hands. "Please."

"I can't."

"No no no no no. You have to. Please...please just give it back. I don't want to be loved anymore. Please."

"Jordan, I can't." I leapt to my feet with anger coursing through my body. "Jordan. I can't give you your heart back. It's not up to me. It's up to you."

His words struck me as a bolt of lightning strikes a tree. I collapsed to me knees, his words echoing through me. " have it. You have my heart. Please give it back. Just give it back. I don't want to be loved. I want to be alone in my darkness. Please, Will, give my heart back to me."

I attempted to swallow back the feeling of anguish that was coursing through my body. My body trembled.

"Will. Please give me my heart back."


I was trying out something new or rather, old for me. I used to write in 1st person but I really dislike it. I hope this didn't come out too weird.

Symbolism? Simile? Whatttt? Yeah. Improved diction and syntax!!! Repetition! Appeal to pathos. Woo! English class is messing me up, guys.

I was thinking about life during work grant, thought of this, wrote it.

Please excuse any mistakes I made.


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