pixie dust,

184 14 5

A quaint little coffee shop was how they met. Jordan was escaping from the cold pouring rain, although he did enjoy rain, he didn't enjoy being caught in it. Will was a cute waiter at the quaint little coffee shop. He didn't enjoy the rain as much.

So here he was, standing awkwardly inside a small, homey coffee shop. Jordan cursed himself for the sudden disappearance of his confidence. He quickly forgave himself seeing as it was due to the cute waiter who had popped his head out from the kitchen seconds after the bells had chimed.

"Hello! Welcome to Pixie Dust." called out the waiter in a cheerful voice. Jordan puzzled over the slight accent before getting a towel thrown at his face. "Poor thing. You're soaking wet."

"Yeah. It's kinda raining outside." Jordan could slap himself for the heavily sarcastic tone that came out.

Surprisingly he heard a low chuckle. "That bad, huh? Well, can I get you anything while you wait out the storm?"

He surveyed the quirky chalkboard menu on the wall behind the wooden counter. Jordan hummed as he looked through all of this options before settling with, "A medium hot chocolate and a muffin, please."

"Coming right up!"

Jordan sunk into a bright red armchair with the soft towel still wrapped around himself. As he settled down into the comfortable armchair he stared out the window, watching as the rain continued to pelt down onto the darkly lit streets.

"Hey, guy, hey!" The cute waiter was stood in front of him waving a slender hand in Jordan's face. He blinked.

"S-sorry. What?" Jordan felt an embarrassing heat form at his cheeks.

A beautiful giggle escaped the brunet before him.


Later that day, when the clouds were gone and the sky was a light shade of blue, Jordan collapsed face first onto his roommate's bed with said roommate still in bed.

"Jordan? What're you doing, dude?"

"I'm pretty sure I just met the person I'm going to marry."

"Oh. Who's the lucky person?"

"His name is Will and he's the cutest person on this planet."

Hullo. I wrote this many moons ago. It was going to be a chaptered fic but I never continued writing it. I decided to post something silly/happy so I looked through some docs and found this.

Hope you enjoyed!


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