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4:00 a.m.

Will quietly slipped out of bed. He was careful not to make a sound or else he would wake up his adorable boyfriend.

4:02 a.m.

He avoided the clothes thrown haphazardly on the floor as he made his way to the bathroom to make himself look at least slightly presentable.

4:07 a.m.

Will finally made it to the bathroom without making a sound. He has accepted the title of "Master Ninja."

4:10 a.m.

Will was thinking about Jordan in the shower.

4:11 a.m.

The British boy realized that he didn't bring any clothes with him to the bathroom. Fuck.

4:18 a.m.

Will looked more presentable and was starting to pack up his clothes. Noiselessly, he began to gather the clothes he had left on the floor from the night before.

4:25 a.m.

"Where the fuck is my phone?"

4:30 a.m.

"Oh my word, you are so cute." Will bent down to kiss Sam on the head. "I wish I could take you with me, Sam."

The black cat purred.

"Make sure to cuddle Jordan a lot and give him little kitty kisses for me. Okay, Sam?"

Said cat nudged at Will's hand, begging for a pet.

"Babe?" A sleepy voice rang through the room. Will stiffened slightly.

He turned to look at his boyfriend. Jordan was clutching a blue bed sheet to his body with one hand while rubbing his eyes with the other. "Hey. Did I wake you up?"

Jordan shook his head. "The bed was cold."


"Will...were you going to leave without telling me?"

Will's eyes looked to the ground.

"You're such a dick."

"I'm your dick."

"That's weird. Stop. When's your flight?"


"Why the fuck are you awake?"

"..I didn't want to say goodbye."

"Oh, baby, come here."

Will shuffled slowly towards Jordan. He rested his head on Jordan's uncovered shoulder.

"I'm sorry."

"Let's get back to bed. We can have awesome morning sex later."

4:36 a.m.

They looked cute sleeping together.

6:45 a.m.

"Oh my god." panted Will. He dropped his head on Jordan's shoulder. He was at a loss for words.

Jordan wrapped an arm around Will's waist and declared, "You're mine forever."


The older boy gave him a loving kiss. Will hummed softly.

7:00 a.m.

"We should take a shower."

7:20 a.m.

"Jor-!" Will moaned at the sudden thrust. "Oh my-"

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