an era,

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Something new

She was beauty inside a mystery box, and not a one had figured out how to unlock her. The silence around her was enough to drive her classmates away. Without getting to know her, they labelled her as "weird" as if it were a bad characteristic for a person to hold.

I watched as people forgot about her, as she became invisible to the people who had hailed her for her silver tongue. She faded into the background with a heart aching look upon her face that made my skin crawl.

After the incident, I made it my mission to become her friend, at least in this class.

The start of our friendship was peaceful. It was the Zen garden of friendships. There was no need to make conversation every time silence befell the air between us. It was a newness to not have to scramble for conversational topics when we reached the end.

The middle period of our friendship was full of realization. She was not a victim of the loudness - she was the reigning champion. The constant swirl of talking was something she was a part of indirectly. She listened to the ones that were drowned out by the loudest. She had been that battle once, and learned that she didn't have to be a part of it and be put down time after time. She did it out of a degree of selfishness.

The neverending part of our friendship was quiet. It was common for me to hold her hand while she spoke of ambitions and dreams and meaninglessness. On certain days, her voice broke, making me smile to know that I was the first person she spoke to that day. I learned how to play her role, and found it to be fulfilling, seeing her hands wave in the air and her eyes go wide with delight as she rambled on about magic.

Being quiet wasn't so bad.

Thinking about you

They struggled to get past the door to Jordan's apartment.

As soon as Jordan and Will had collapsed onto the bed they were all over each other.

"Fuck me, cutie," whispered Will.

Jordan smirked before reaching towards the drawer containing what he needed. "How do you like it?"

"Anyway you want it."


The way Jordan held him made Will feel like he had just made a fresh bowl of oatmeal: warm and happy. Possibly even satisfied.

The smell of books

"Will! Let's go have an adventure!"

"I have things to do."

"No, you're gonna come on this adventure with me."

"N-wah! Where you taking me, Jor?"

"To GameStop, asshole."

Adventure time

Everyone knew that Jordan loved everything magic, so in retrospect, Will shouldn't have been so shocked to know that he had an obsession with Adventure Time. It consisted of pretty much everything that Jor could want.

Will didn't complain though. Whatever Jor decided to (binge) watch Adventure Time, Will was automatically invited to the watching. And Jor loved cuddling while watching it.




"Will you take me, your unlawfully not-wedded partner, and fuck me until I see stars?"

Jordan wasn't one for vows, but he couldn't resist this one.

"I will."

The blinding lights heated his skin uncomfortably. He remained professional and posed with a slight smirk on his face, soulfully peering into the lens. The camera flashed. Will moved his hands to his face.

"Don't do that," chastised the photographer. Will bit back a smile at the scowl on his photographer's face.

"Why not?"

"I want to see your pretty eyes."

"So I won't cover my eyes, Jor." He stared up at his boyfriend. "Oh my word. Are you pouting?"

His boyfriend's pout increased by 1000%. The puppy dog eyes were slowly going to kill his beautiful model body if Jordan didn't stop ASAP.

"Shut up, I want these pictures to look good for KCB." Jordan took another picture. That one would be bad for sure. Will is pretty sure his eyes were shut.

"I don't want to work!" he whined. He made an ugly face at the camera. "I want to play."

"If you're a good boy we can play. all. night. long."

Needless to say, Will was a good boy for the rest of the shoot.

Mario kart

Walking into their apartment and finding Jordan in his boxers playing Mario Kart with cheeto dust and crumbs surrounding probably shouldn't have been as attractive as it was. But that didn't stop Will from tackling him, back flat against the bed.

"Why are you so hot," Will kissed Jordan's neck sloppily.

"W-wha-" Will pulled down Jordan's bright green boxers.

"You're talking too much." 

(pure sin)

Will bit his lip and with a hint of hesitation he carefully knocked on Jordan's recording room door. He stood silently at the door, keeping his eyes to the ground before hearing his boyfriend's approval.

He slowly opened the door and poked his head in. Jordan's eyes were glued to the monitor in front of him. The sounds of Jordan's mouse clicking filled his ears.

"Daddy? Are you busy?"

"I was just in the middle of a recording, kitten."

It's an odd thing

It's an odd thing, falling out of love. To start off with, you have enough love to fill the entire universe, but slowly, ever so slowly, that love shrinks. It's evaporated by all the inconsistency and distance that's created every passing day.

Will didn't think that he would wake up to an empty bed or go to bed alone.

He can't leave his beloved after so many years together, so he clings onto that spark that was supposed to last them forever.

Pretty odd

Jordan smiled brightly when he saw Will looking down at his phone. His boyfriend was fucking gorgeous.

"Hey." Jordan poked the British teen softly.

Will looked up. He gave Jordan a shy smile.

"Thank you for loving me."

"How could I not? You're perfect." whispered Will. Jordan was pulled into a soft kiss. "I love all of you, Jordan."

Butterflies erupted.

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