i fell in love again with defiance;

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It was a warm Wednesday afternoon. The sun was shining high in the sky, its rays filtering in through the windows of their apartment and slowly heating it up.

Jordan and Will were going through their offices, cleaning, destroying, organizing, keeping. Will wasn't having that hard of a time cleaning his office as most of what he needed to get rid of was old memos from old jobs. He did find the odd photograph from some modeling job. He made sure to pin those few pictures up on his picture board located on his wall. At least that's what Jordan imagined what Will's cleaning consisted of.

He also imagined Will cleaning in a maid's outfit but that was a totally different train of thought.

In contrast to Will's easy cleaning, Jordan was struggling. He didn't want to get rid of any of his past photographs, crumpled papers, crinkled receipts, or random gum wrappers. He wanted to keep it all in his office. Jordan had his excuse ready as well:

"I didn't want to get rid of anything because it all reminds me of you."


"They help me remember the good times."

That ought to get Will out of his hair.

Jordan moved onto his filing cabinet containing his millions of clients and his documents concerning the work he had done for them. He didn't know what to expect, but it most certainly wasn't his black journal. He thought he had lost that journal in the desert - long story.

"Hm," he flipped through the first couple of pages. The journal began rather dully with random pictures from photo shoots and a brief description of what had occurred at each particular site until he reached March 1, 2000. That was the day Will had stumbled into his studio, looking out of breath, yet still so pretty. The pages after that day were filled with bright, colorful photographs and even colored drawings he had Will do.

(Jordan loved watching Will draw because he poked his tongue out as he did it. He was sure he had more than enough pictures of Will poking his tongue out.)

"Wim, guess what I found!" Jordan heard his husband race down the hall. Okay, so maybe Will hadn't been having the easy cleaning job Jordan had imagined.

"Did you find the address of the strip joint you ha-"

"No. I found my black journal which is way better than the address to that stupid strip joint," said Jordan with a hurt tone. He did not want to be reminded of he had to do at that club. It was a dark time for Jordan, but Will definitely got a kick out of it.

"Oh. I thought you lost that in the desert."

"Fucking me too!" Jordan gave Will a huge smile. "You wanna look through it?"


"Oh my word. I hate this picture, why is it in here? You're an evil husband!" shouted Will at the top of his lungs. He was clearly unhappy with the photograph Jordan had glued to the page. In the photo Will was stuffing a large amount of chocolate cake in his mouth.

"You look like a really hot chipmunk."

"That's some weird shit, Jor."

"You're weird shit," retorted the photographer without any venom. He flipped to the next page, containing a picture of Will playing with the kitten they had adopted. "Spin was such a cute kitten."

"Yeah, now he's such a fat cat." muttered Will. He took hold of the other half of the journal and began flipping through it.

"Do you remember that time we stayed up really late Skyping each other?"

"When I was in London?"

"Yeah. You got really loopy and said some crazy things like how you were in love with string cheese." Jordan pretended to wince in pain when Will punched him.

"Fuck off, mate. String cheese is awesome and I want to marry it." Will stopped flipping. "You take pictures of our texts?"

"Mhm," hummed Jordan. He flopped over. "What conversation did you find?"

"'You're so cute, you make me feel like crying.' I'm still not over you saying that about me." Will pinched Jordan's cheeks as if to check if he was real. Jordan batted his hand away and flipped him the middle finger. "Oh, ouch."

"I think I have a picture of you trying to take a selfie with one of my cameras."

"I bet that was a sexy picture." Will poked his tongue out. Jordan stared.

"Speaking of sexy, I have that picture I took of you while you were riding me."

Will went completely lax against Jordan. "That's my favorite picture you've taken of me." He took a hand off of the journal and took hold of Jordan's hand. He squeezed. A silence consumed them as they thought about that morning Will had surprised Jordan. It was that morning when everything fell into place for them. Their emotions were out in the open and they weren't so scared of them anymore. Their love made sense.

Jordan squeezed Will's hand back.

"I think it's my favorite one too."




That's the end. How do you feel? I feel happy and really sad and I don't know what to do with my life now.

Fairies - 102 chapters, amazing. This is the longest thing I've ever written. My favorite was photographs, wbu? What was your fav(s)?

I'd like to thank everyone who's supported me bunches - Support Group, the original Fucking Hell group, Tyler, my bff, and you guys!!! Fairies prolly wouldn't have made it this far w/o all the support I've received. I'm truly grateful for everything - especially for all the things Fairies brought about (like all of my magnificent friends).

I hope you have a lovely day,


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