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They were supposed to be helping the others find the perfect spot in the park to hold the meet up, but instead they were looking at the stars. Will was sitting on Jordan's lap with their hands locked together by their sides. It was a cute scene to look upon, at least that's what Bee said.

"William Shakespeare, tell me your thoughts."

"Hm..right now I'm thinking about how I want to go to Dairy Queen." Jordan laughed at Will's silliness. "Thinking about how pretty the stars look. How much fun this trip has been. How excited I am about being able to meet the fans. I'm happy that I could see you and actually touch you. I'm thinking about how much I love you." Will turned around so he could face Jordan. He wrapped his arms around the other's neck and touched their heads together. "Jordan..."

Jordan brought their lips together. The kiss. Their first kiss, was everything they both ever wanted and more. It was cliche to say that, but true. The spark that every person was looking for, was there. It made their hearts thunder for more, dilated and shaking bodies, begging for this love. This new love would hopefully last.
They broke apart slowly. They searched for that something, the answer, in each other's eyes. Would they be forever?

Shouting from in front of them broke the enchanting moment between the couple.
They looked up. The entire Cube crew plus friends were cheering at them a little ways away. Screams of "Kiani is real" and "OHMYGOD I KNEW IT" filled the air. A lot of the vloggers of the group were filming the moment and some were even taking pictures of the couple together.

This was their something.

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