coffee kisses,

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Jordan's hands itched to grab his camera and have his own mini midnight photo shoot with Will in their cozy little kitchen. He didn't think his boyfriend would mind too much; if Will did, he could always bribe him. It wouldn't be the first time Jordan would have to bribe him. On the bright side, they both enjoyed the end result.

Jordan was pulled out of his thoughts when Will placed a hand on his shoulder. "You look really cute when you're thinking about me."

"Who said I was thinking about you?" retorted Jordan. He stuck his tongue out childishly.

"My nose did! I sneezed so that means you were thinking about me." Will examined his nails.

Jordan laughed, "You sneeze when people talk about you, ya little shithead."

"Same thing."


Will jumped onto the counter and parted his legs to make room for Jordan to stand between his legs. He yanked at Jordan's purple sweater, and waited for Jordan to situate himself before he set his pointy chin on the soft, fluffy hair he loved to stroke so much.

"You make a comfy armrest, dude," muttered Will.

"That makes me feel loved."

"Good cuz I love you lots." Will demonstrated by planting a kiss on Jordan's head. He made an exaggerated "Mwah!" noise while doing so. Will paused his accosting of Jordan to sniff the air. "Coffee is done!" He pushed Jordan out of the way, and jumped off the counter to get his favorite mug ready for the nectar of life (or so he claimed it was).

"That certainly made me feel loved."

Jordan took his newfound freedom to rummage through the refrigerator.

"You should know that coffee ranks higher than you." Will was already at the coffee maker pouring himself a steamy cup by the time Jordan deemed there was nothing to eat. "I've been with coffee longer than I've been with you. It was a forbidden love." He inhaled the wonderful coffee smell that wafted up from his rainbow mug.

Jordan took the chance. He grabbed his camera from the counter where Will had just been sitting and captured the scene before him.

"I think you should pay me for taking that picture, darling."

"Can I pay you in the bedroom?" Jordan winked cheekily at Will.

"Coffee first, then you pay me."

Jordan took a half step to get closer to Will. He received a coffee-tasting kiss.


(He hoped Will didn't notice him licking his lips.) I wanted to put that in but decided not to.


I have recently become a coffee enthusiast. But I mostly have coffee at night w/the fam.

Let me know what you think of this chapter! (sorry for any mistakes, I had to be quick w/this)

We are nearing the end of Fairies. Around 8 or 9 chapters left. How exciting! While I'm talking about Fairies, thanks to everyone who has supported me and given me ideas and prompts, everyone's who read, everyone who voted and commented, and just anyone who glanced at this little one-shot fic!


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