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The colorful notes were forgotten about and left in one of the many paper piles Will had going on. His mind was occupied with schoolwork and keeping up with the YouTube schedule he had going on. He sucked at keeping up with both things.

It was only a week later that he was reminded about the post-it notes. Will was back at the library for more reference books for his art project. He was working on it for one of his uni courses. Book after book was set on the back table that he usually occupied.

A particularly pretty art book caught his eye while he was looking for more reference books. The cover was a dark blue with bright yellow stars printed on it. He flipped through the pages slowly, completely enamored by the gorgeous book.

When he walked back to his table with said book in hand, he noticed bright pink post-it notes. A smile appeared on his face as soon as he spotted the notes.

'You make me believe in soul mates <3'

'You take my breathe away'

Will blushed again at the sweet compliments, however cliché or cheesy they were. He looked around to see if there was anyone watching him. He really wanted to know who was writing these things to him.

He sighed, giving up when he saw no one watching.

He flopped into the chair in front of all his books. How was he going to meet this mystery person?

Will doodled on the back of one of the post-it notes as he thought of ways he could meet this mystery person or at least get to know them in some way.

His eyes widened as he reached a realization.

"I'm going to write back to them." whispered Will to himself. He ripped up a sheet of notebook paper into fourths and began to write questions on them with little drawings to accompany them.

Will gathered his things once he was done sorting everything out, and continued on his way, leaving the pieces of notebook paper on the library table. He was hopeful that this mystery person would find his notes.


Hullo! How is everyone doing? I'm doing pretty well today.

Hope you liked part iii of pink! Let me know what you think :)


It's so dang overwhelming. I didn't think anyone would like this!

-inky :3

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