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Pink, lilac, yellow, dark red, emerald green, snow white, and black. The spike of color was the first thing Jordan noticed. Then it registered. He was looking at women's panties.

"What the fuck? Why are there panties here?" he whispered to himself. He moved them around to see if his and Will's clothes were still there.

Jordan didn't assume the worst because there couldn't be a worst. Will was completely and absolutely gay for Jordan, and vice versa. Now, Jordan wasn't naive, so he did the best thing he could think of. He called Will.

The phone rang once, twice.

"Hey, Jor!"

"Will, Will. Where are you?"

"Uhh, I'm at the shops." said Will nervously. "Is something wrong?"

"Not exactly. Will...why are there panties in our drawer?" Jordan winced at the blunt question. He hoped to god that Will had a good answer.


"...are you cheating on me?" Jordan needed to know.

"Fuck no. Are you crazy?"

Relief filled Jordan's body. "Then why are there panties in our drawer?"

"...hem. The panties are mine." Will's sheepish voice hit Jordan.

What? Huh? Jordan took a second to process the information. Will, Jordan's boyfriend, owned panties. Pink, lilac, red, black panties.

He opened his mouth but nothing came out. What?

"We can talk about it when I get home, okay? Just sit down and play some CS. I'll be home soon!" Will paused. He whispered hesitantly, "I love you."

Jordan whispered back, "I love you too, Will."
They were laying on the bed facing each other. Jordan had his arms wrapped around Will. The tall brunet had his arms between them.

"I'm sorry I never told you. I...I was scared."

"I love you no matter what, baby. If you feel comfortable in women's clothes then wear them. I love you too much to stop you from doing things that make you happy."

Will's arm wrapped around Jordan's neck. Their lips met. Warmth filled their bodies. Security. Care. Comfort. Intimacy.

"Can I show you?" whispered Will. He carefully looked down to avoid any look of disgust he was expecting from his boyfriend.

"Anything you want, Will."

"You have to let me go."

Jordan silently let his boyfriend get up despite the feeling of cold that went through him.

"Stay there."

Time passed.

The door opened quietly.

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