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It took time for Jordan to realize that he was in love with his best friend. When it hit him, he felt terrified, but lucky.

Will was the best person in the world to be in love with. He was funny, cute, sweet, chill, smart, sassy, and just every other positive adjective you could use to describe a person. It was impossible for Jordan not to fall in love.

He sometimes felt the need to exclaim his love to the world. He felt like he would explode for keeping all the emotions inside of him, but the fear of rejection and the chance of losing Will kept him from saying a thing.

That is until he accidentally blurted out his feelings for Will in a coffee shop.




The song is from one of my favorite short films. It's called "The Blue Umbrella." It's super cute. I recommend you watch it!

Let me know if ya liked this.

Have a nice day (:


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