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Tears. They come out at the most inconvenient of times. They're always so bitter and it makes you cry even harder. At least that's how Jordan felt. He hated crying.

In that instant, Jordan wished he didn't have emotions. He wished he couldn't feel that pang of sadness and pain coming from his heart.

His body trembled as tears began to roll down his ashen face. This was their bed. Their room. Their apartment. Their everything.

His shoulders shook. Sobs racked his body and the tears streamed down his pale face. He clenched his fists, wishing that it would all go away. It didn't.

Will was gone, and there was nothing Jordan could do to fix it. The situation was blown out of proportions. It was too late to even try to talk it out.

Tears streaked down his face. He wished Will hadn't left. He wished they hadn't had that stupid, stupid fight. He wished that it had never happened. He wished for everything to be fixed.

"I love him so much."

His sobs sounded through the empty apartment.

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