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"Come on, Jordan! Just talk to him. I bet he'll like you." Ryan was sick of seeing Jordan stare at the cute guy sitting in the corner of the library without doing anything about his pathetic crush. It was getting so frustrating seeing Jordan crush over a random cute guy.

"Shut the hell up, Ryan. He might hear you," Jordan whispered harshly. He looked around warily, making sure no one had heard his best friend.

"Dude, he's all the way across the library. This is really pathetic, man."

"...Yeah, I know."

Ryan sighed. "Why don't you just ask him out?"

Jordan glared at him.

"What? It's better than staring at a stranger from across the library." pointed out Ryan as he flipped through an art book.

Jordan continued to glare at him.

"Hm. This book is cool. I might check it out like you're checking that guy out from across the library," whispered Ryan sarcastically. He stopped flipping when something caught his eyes. "Ooh!"

"What? Find something interesting for once?"

Ryan lifted an eyebrow, "Yeah. Love letters with crazy drawings all over them. They look sick."

Jordan's eyes widened and he glanced at the page Ryan had stopped on.

"Love letters..." Jordan said pensively. "Ryan? Do you have any post-it notes?"


I lied. Oops. I was planning on posting yesterday, but then all my teachers were like, "HAHA LETS GIVE YOU GUYS A BUNCH OF HOMEWORK!!11!!!" So yeah. Sorry.
I will make it up! I promise (trust me).

Hope you guys enjoyed this part of pink, :)
-inky :3

Fairies - kianiNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ