will kill you,

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It was hard for Jordan to describe it using a single word.

Maybe it was late night talks they had on TeamSpeak. They would spend hours giggling over silly jokes or just general stupid things they said while they played Minecraft with each other. He didn't mind going to bed exhausted at four in the morning. He didn't mind anything when it came to Will.

Or love could be watching Will's videos in the middle of the day when said person was busy recording or building something on the Cube. Jordan would admit that it was weird, but sometimes he would get so lonely and miss Will so badly. (He was careful to watch Will's videos with earbuds on after that one time he answered a phone call from Will and had forgotten to pause the video.)

Love was when they first met and Jordan couldn't keep his eyes off of Will. That British teen was the most beautiful person Jordan had ever seen. And he had him all to himself.

It was the hand carding through his hair to keep him calm. It was the light taps he would receive to keep him grounded. The soft whispers to keep his mind from wandering to the dark places.

Love was the light Will brought to his life.

Love was the fluttery feeling Jordan got every time he was with Will.

For them it wasn't the words, it was rather, the lack of words. The presence they had in the other's heart.

Yes, they stumbled. Yes, they weren't perfect. Yes, they didn't always get along. Yes, yes, yes.


But they tried and they loved. They held each other close on those lonely dark nights. They talked when they could. They wiped away the other's tears.

"Love is ours," Jordan kissed his love.

09-27-15, 2 months.

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