bring colour to my skies

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My happy little pill.

His muscles were slowly relaxing, his eyes drooping. Everything was calming down. His thoughts stopped going at light speed. He could finally relax. He soft sigh passed his lips.

This was exactly what he needed.

Take me away,

He allowed his thoughts to float from idea to idea, image to image. He didn't need to over-analyze anything right now. He didn't need to stress out about whether he would be able to complete them or even be capable of creating. All was good. Just floating by.

Dry my eyes,

Everything that was cursing at him constantly worrying him was gone in this glorious moment. It was all gone and he could only be thankful for it. He didn't want to worry anymore. He didn't want to think anymore. He just wanted to stop. He wanted the world to stop.

Bring colour to my skies,

A single thought floated through. A smile broke out. The brunet could see everything clearly now. It was all so bright, but not overbearingly so. He giggled, happy for once in the last couple of weeks. It was so simple. He just hoped he wouldn't forget after this.

My sweet little pill.

He continued to let his thoughts wander. It was nice to see bright, happy images again. He was happy that he could pick up his pencil again without being overcome with dark images that were begging to be seen.

The door opened.

"Will?" It was so softly spoken, Will almost didn't hear it.


"You're drawing again." whispered Jordan happily. Drawing was always a sign that Will was feeling better.

"Yeah." said Will quietly. He looked up at Jordan with eyes filled with joy. "Yeah, I am."

Their lips touched. An explosion was felt by the both of them once more. Hands grasped and their bodies were wanting. Old feelings and memories were visited, and new sparks went flying. They were entwined once again. "I love you's" were whispered carefully so as not to drive the other way.

Delicate touches and soft kisses placed everywhere on his trembling body. Soft moans drawn out of him, his lover coaxing the sounds out of him. He felt alive and loved again.

A breathy whisper filled their silence.

"Thank you for colouring my skies."

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