three cheers for sweet love,

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spontaneous proclamations of love

inspiration: i spontaneously proclaimed my love to my petal recently after watching a revlon commercial about love

why: it was our 3 month anniversary yesterday, but I was swamped by physics so I couldn't get this out, but it's here now!

dedication: this is for my wonderful, amazing, I just got flutters thinking about you, C <3

also, this somehow turned into model!will and photographer!jordan halfway through so oops



love letter

My dear William,

I'm writing to you because I came to a revelation recently. It's not the typical "I know what I'm going to do with my life" but the "I know who I want to spend the rest of my life with" kind of revelation. Just to make it clear to you: I'm talking about you.

I am so in love with you. Everything I see or do reminds me of you. Funnily enough, every time I see that it's raining (which is constantly), I'm instantly reminded of you. I know you hate dreary weather, but I can't help remembering that time we danced in the rain with each other when you visited me in Seattle. I have to say that the picture I took of you that day is one of my favorites.

I wish I had enough paper to list everything that reminds me of you. I wish I had enough words to express how much I love you.

Intensely in Love with You,

Jordan <3


Magnet Love

Initially it was Jordan's idea to get magnets for their new refrigerator. It was later Will's brilliant idea to buy alphabet (including numbers) magnets for their refrigerator. The expected outcome from that was dirty words written across the side of the fridge every morning.







"Spank me"

That is until Will got a cold. Jordan couldn't stay home to take care of his sickly boyfriend, so instead he left Will a note and prepared him some chicken noodle soup for when he got hungry.

Will smiled goofily as he stared at the side of their white fridge, reading the little message Jordan had written, "W, fuck ya l8er."

He smiled because it was them, it was everything their relationship was. They were special and they didn't need to be like the other couples around because they were working just fine.

He was also smiling because it was clearly Jordan informing Will that they'd be having awesome sex later that evening - something Will was always up for.



Jordan scrolled through his phone, searching for anything to do to cure his boredom for even just a little while. He was going to die from boredom at any moment, so he clicked on the first app he came upon, photos. The photographer figured it was a good time to get rid of the crap photos he had taken. It was probably filled to the brim with crappy photos.

However, the first thing he spotted in his album was quite a gem. A video.

The video started with a tap to the screen.

The room was dim, but obviously Jordan and Will's bedroom in their cozy apartment. Will was lying on the bed, stroking Jordan's hair softly as he slept soundly through it all.

"Hey, future Jor," whispered Will with a smile to the phone he was holding with his other hand. "I'm making this video because I know you're going to leave for your trip without waking me up."

Jordan, watching the video, rolled his eyes at his boyfriend's statement. It was true, but Will was always cranky after being woken up early.

"I hope you have a safe and fun trip. Don't forget to drink water and eat. Text me when you can. I love you, Jordan. Mwah!" Will blew a kiss at the phone and winked before the video ended.

"How does he always manage to make these videos without me noticing?" Jordan asked himself, pretending to be annoyed at his boyfriend's sneakiness. He added the video to the folder of other videos Will had recorded for previous trips.

"I love you too, Will."



A yellow post-it note was stuck to the table surface, catching the eye of any person in an instant, completing its purpose.

"good morning, love!

i won't be home until very late ): BUT when i get home we should get take out and watch some movies and make out and then cuddle. anyways, don't forget to eat and don't work too hard. i love you <3

p.s. - don't forget to feed the cats :)


Will spent the day with Jordan on his mind.



The royal blue couch was the sole focus of Jordan's attention; the blue couch where they met, the blue couch Will was stretching across.

Jordan smirked briefly.


The photographer flopped onto the couch crushing Will in the process.

"Jordan! Get off~! You're really heavy." Will complained pathetically. He began to hit Jordan's arm repeatedly.

"Nope. You're comfy." He tried to go as limp as possible.

"I'm dying. Help." Will closed his eyes and stuck his tongue out. He heard Jordan chuckle and lift off of him. Seconds later he heard the familiar sound of his boyfriend's camera.

Click. Flash.

"I think this is the best picture I've ever taken of you."

"Mm." Will grinned. "You're the perfect photographer for me."

"And you're the perfect model for me."

"We're truly meant to be."

"Truly." echoed Jordan with a pleased smile. He wrapped himself around Will and pulled him closer. He carefully laced their fingers together and whispered once more, "Truly."

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