you smell like the devil,

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i wanted to call it "you wrote 'don't forget' on your arm" but that's a bit long. another name for it was "thnks fr th sx by kiani" (thanks Leah)

i recommend you listen to the song i picked

happy reading~


Love follows clichés. It makes you the person you would otherwise hate being. It makes you follow the exact steps of falling in love (with no exceptions).

If love follows clichés, then falling out of love has its owns.

Falling out of love had no date for them. It happened gradually, sneaking through their minds, across their eyes, hanging to their every thought but quickly being pushed away.

It was hard for them to pinpoint where they had gone wrong after the tragedy.

#1: there's something off, the warmth is fading

Jordan remembered waking up one cold morning and turning to look at his fiance. He looked into those beautiful brown eyes and saw an odd look in his eyes. Jordan merely wrote it off as sleepiness. An awful excuse, but one nonetheless.

Perhaps he shouldn't have ignored it. Maybe he could've fixed it if he hadn't.

#2: he's distant

The next point was Jordan staying up late (night after night), waiting for Will to come back home from work. He missed his touches, his giggles, his jokes, his, his, his, his, hishishishis.

(The lonely nights dragged on past the standard time Will returned home to the darkness of the early morning.) Jordan's thoughts took dark turns; maybe Will was dead, maybe someone kidnapped him, maybe he was being held at gunpoint, maybe he was in a car wreck, maybe he was beginning his early decay in a ditch off the highway.

Never did he think that Will was cheating on him. Never did he think that Will was out getting hammered and grinding against sweaty bodies. Never did Jordan think that Will had someone else pinned to a wall, fucking them until they wouldn't be able to stand properly afterwards.

He was still too far in love.

Jordan had learned how to deal with smelling the alcohol under Will's breath and the smell of other cheap perfume.

#3: it's hard to find it

Then it became more obvious.

It was the lack of flutters in his stomach when someone mentioned Will's name. His name was added onto the list of names that hurt to hear.

It grew to desperation. Why didn't he feel happy when Will's name was mentioned? Why didn't he feel butterflies anymore? Why didn't he smile? Fortunately (or unfortunately), Will was never there to see Jordan break into tears when the lack of emotions became too much for him to handle.

The desperation turned into something bittersweet. He didn't need to be the lovesick partner who felt a fondness every time Will's name was mentioned. He didn't need to always smile cutely when someone talked about him. He in fact began to abhor when people mentioned his fiancé. They were different people, why did they always have to be wrapped in a package? Jordan especially hated when people tried to entice him to do something by using his fiance.

"Do you want to come out tonight? Will said he's going!"

As if he needed Will there to agree (he usually denied when someone did this).

Jordan no longer felt that warmth in his heart for Will.

#4: hollow touches

The intimacy turned into sex that made Jordan want to roll out of his bed, gather his clothes, and say, "Thanks for the sex."

The sweet touches were diminishing.

The soft words were no longer whispered.

The surprise kisses were nonexistent.

And the meaningless sex with each other began. There was no love anymore between the two of them, but they tried to ignore it like they had every other problem they came across.

#5: tragedy is realized

"We're supposed to get married soon."


"We're not getting married."


"Where did we go wrong?"

"I just stopped being in love with you."

There was a tinge at his fragile heart.

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