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"Okay, so I need you to take your shirt off." said Jordan while he switched the camera lens. He ignored the snort he heard from his boyfriend.

"Fuck. You're the best at dirty talk, baby. Just take me now!" shouted Will with a fake passionate voice. Jordan tried to hide his embarrassment, but Will's burst of giggles told him he was unsuccessful. "Oh, I know you didn't mean it like that, Jor-Jor. I was just joking around."

Jordan turned away from his laughing boyfriend to avoid any further embarrassment. "You really suck, Will."

"You know I do." The words were bathing in suggestiveness.

"Oh my god. Just take your shirt off, you little shit."

"You love me," laughed Will, his voice muffled as he took the top off. He tossed the white v-neck to the side before he resumed his position on the fluffy bed. "How do you want me?"


"Always am." he said lowly before shifting to a different pose. "This good?"

"Mhm. You're doing great, Will." Jordan caught the slight upturn of the brunet's lips.


Jordan admired the image of Will sprawled lazily on the bed, staring sultrily at the camera. A pale hand covered half of his face while the other was holding his head up. A bit of hair covered the heated look from his gorgeous brown eyes. Jordan's sight strayed towards Will's hips; he bit his lip in slight disappointment-the bruises weren't visible.

His eyes flickered up to the breathing, moving Will. He was breathtaking; perfect even in his flaws.

The photographer couldn't help but grin stupidly at the thought of having Will all to himself. He was a lucky man.

Jordan looked over at his boyfriend again. He found himself walking closer and closer towards the beauty. How did he end up with such a wonderful model boyfriend?

He noted that Will's eyes were closed, hiding the beautiful orbs. He hovered above the model taking in the beautiful body just inches away from him. "Can I kiss you?"

Will tilted his head upward.

Jordan caught the curve of Will's lips against his own.

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