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"Will...Wim, you need to stop. Come to bed." Jordan gently pulled his husband's arm to get him out of his chair.

"But I still have to finish building a new hospital for Graser, a garden for the castle, build some railway stations, and then I ha-" Will's voice was slowly inching to hysterical.

Jordan gently cupped Will's face with his tattooed hands. His thumbs softly ran over Will's purpled circles. He could see Jordan holding in a sigh.

"Your builds are going to be shit with you sleep deprived, Wim." He gave his husband a serious look. Will stared back with uncertain eyes. Sleep would cost the builder so much precious time.

Jordan didn't give him time to think. He placed a soft kiss on Will's chapped lips to stop all the threatening thoughts he knew his husband was thinking about. Will's eyes flickered down. He hesitated for a brief second. So much work was still needed to get done.

He felt Jordan's thumbs smooth over his dark circles once more. He could almost feel the worry vibrate from Jordan.

Will nodded tersely and let Jordan lead him away to their bedroom. He allowed his husband to gently push him on their soft bed. Will's eyes fluttered shut.

"I'm here." He could feel the heat radiating in comfortable waves from Jordan. He allowed himself to relax and his thoughts to drift.

"Mm...Jor, you're my only." Will mumbled into his pillow.

Jordan kissed his shoulder lightly before whispering back, "You're my only too, Wim."

They closed their eyes and met again in their dreams.

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