love me,

181 14 19

"Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Will. Will. Wiiiiiiill."


"Will, love me."

"You're drunk. Go home."

"My home is you." Jordan winked. "Wimmy, love me."

"Jor, find your chill."

"But I love youuuu. And I need you, Wimmy, to love me."


"Love me, Wimmyyyy. Love me!"

"Chill, Jor."

"Love me~!"

"Chill, man."

"Wim, love me!"


"I lost my chill when I got lost in your eyes."

"You fucking dork."


Jordan hummed softly with wooden spoon in hand. He gently stirred the chicken noodle soup he was preparing for his boyfriend.

"He always gets sick when he sets a foot outside of this apartment. It's amazing." Jordan shook his head in playful exasperation.

He spooned some of the warm chicken noodle soup into a bowl and set it in front of the lump sitting at the kitchen table.


"I told you to wear a jacket."


"Just eat your damn soup."

A rattling cough echoed. Will wheezed. "Thanks."

Jordan tried not to laugh at how silly Will's cold made him sound.


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