hello angel,

150 7 12

written last week as a quick thing, finally got to edit today (:

Inspired by: dia de los muertos, Dance Visions, TBP

hope u emos r crying (*plays g*)

lazy editing sorry :P

oh, p.s. I hope you have a Spanish translator up (:


miles of pale faces are behind them. it's their turn to lead the procession of the dead to their final destination. it was either them or another favored by the higher powers, or so called higher powers. not many had more power than Life or Death.

jordan gripped will's hand tightly in his own gloved one. even after doing this for many millennia he could still feel the nervousness building up within him. it was more than leading a procession. it was the matter of Life.

the marching band started. the drums droned loudly, yet almost overpowered by the guitars.

and off they went.

jordan led and will followed as it was in their life, jordan always leading and will always following.

they were pressed together. .emotions unfolded between the two as they always did during moments like this. they shared a heartbeat when they danced. they were one. they were almost alive again.


he didn't mind the coldness he felt anymore. it had taken him decades to get used to being so cold unlike in his earthly life when jordan was always overly warm.

although it never mattered that jordan was freezing to the touch. he had his love to keep his heart beating and his hands warm. will never stopped being warm. he was special in that way.

will hummed lazily along with the music.

they danced through the darkness and into the light.

the faces behind them began to gain color. they were no longer simply black and white, shades of gray, with the occasional dash of red.

they danced from the afterlife and into life.

the others seemed to have a new air of life around them.

they were met with cheers of those celebrating the dead souls that day.

the procession dispersed in all directions, leaving will and jordan.

they continued to dance. they danced through the celebrating living and the resurrected souls.

"mamí! mira, mira!"

"sabes quiénes son, nena?"

"mm...no. no sé."

"Vida y Muerte. siempre están juntos. tienen un amor inseparable."

"Un amor inseparable..." the child repeated in awe.

they were Life and Death, forever leading the procession of the dead with their life-giving dance.

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