me hearties,

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"Yo ho, me hearties, yo ho~!" sang Jordan loudly as he skipped around the apartment. He was wearing a bandana with his jeans rolled up, swinging a plastic sword around.


"The fuck?" said Will when he felt Jordan hit his shoulder with the plastic sword. "Jordan? What are you doing?"

"I'm a pirate! And you, dear William, are my damsel." Jordan pecked Will on the lips before continuing with his pirate dance.


"Yeah, damsel."

"Does that mean I get to wear a dress?"

"You can wear a dress whenever you want. You can even wear those panties that you like so much." Jordan winked playfully at Will.

"Oh yeah. Panties are exactly what damsels wear," replied Will sarcastically. "Let me see if I can find anything that fits the part. I'll be back in a sec!"

Will jumped up from the couch and made his way to their bedroom. He might get lucky and find something that would make him worthy of being Jordan's damsel.

Meanwhile, Jordan plopped down on the floor, his plastic sword next to him. He hummed a pirate song to himself as he waited for his boyfriend to return. Slowly, an idea formed in his head.

"Hey, Will?"


"Will you help me find my hidden treasure?" Jordan smiled to himself.

"Hidden treasure? Sure." Will reappeared in the living room with a plastic tiara on his head. Jordan snorted.

"Princess William. Totally a damsel."

"Shut up. It was the only thing I could find." Will pouted.

"You look cute." Jordan assured him. He took a step closer to Will and grabbed his waist. "I think I found it."


"I think I found my hidden treasure," whispered Jordan. He stroked Will's cheek delicately. He leaned in closer, watching as Will's eyelids fluttered shut. Their lips touched softly.

He could feel Will's arms wrap around his neck and could hear the dreamy little sigh he let out once they broke apart.

"I can't believe I love a dork like you." whispered Will.

Hi! Sorry for not updating for those two(?) days. Life got in the way. So much hw and many school projects.
Just a quick cute one-shot for you guys since there's some (((sad vibes))) going around! Take some (((cute vibes))) instead :3
Hope you enjoyed this :)
-inky :3

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