His Reaction To More "Explicit" Fanfiction

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(Once again, no offense to anyone who actually does ship these couples.)

Jeff the Killer

It had started out innocently enough.

Jeff was trolling around the creepypasta fanfiction sites, just generally taking the piss out of his fangirls.

Then he had come across something that all of them had been warned about by Slenderman.


JeffXBEN yaoi.

Curiosity killed the Grinny.

You luckily arrived back home just in time to stop Jeff from committing suicide by tying himself to D/N, flinging him/her off the roof and going down along with the dog.

"What the hell were you thinking?"

"Fangirls.... Just so many fangirls...," he muttered, looking crazier than usual.

"Did you read some graphic fanfic or something?"

The psychotic killer nodded, clutching D/N while rocking to-and-fro.

You rolled your eyes and dragged his pale arse back inside before he tried anything drastically stupid again.

BEN Drowned... In coffins?

You held Fluffy in your arms and sobbed, your tears hidden by the black widower's veil.

Rain began pouring heavily from the bleak, dull skies.

Dark Link played a slow funeral march as the ghost of C/N slowly brought out the tiny coffin which was totally not just a bunch of big cereal boxes stickytaped together.

"Please... Let me see him one last time," you sniffled.

The ghost nodded wisely and floated back, its long white beard flapping about in the wind.

Fluffy wiggled out of your grip and bounced away to find shelter indoors as you approached the coffin.

Opening it, inside was BEN.

He was frozen, stiff and cold. With a traumatized look upon his face.

You reached down with quivering arms and hugged his rigid body.

"Goodbye, BEN... That erotic Fanfiction of you, Link and Darkness took you away from me all too soon..."

The lid of the coffin slowly lowered itself with a creak and gently closed.

C/N lowered it down with a mournful look as you hugged Dark Link and cried.


"-And that's why I refuse to let you go anywhere near the "M" rated section of that Fanfiction site!" You firmly concluded.

"Oh come on, Y/N! It might be explicit but it won't kill me!" The little elf grumbled.

"You can never be too careful."

Despite the funeral scenario which occurred within a boyfriend scenario, BEN checked it out anyway and now can't keep eye-contact with Dark Link without bursting out laughing.

Dark Link

You yawned and stretched out, feeling quite refreshed after a good-night's sleep.

C/N was floating nearby, squeezing water out of his beard (From now on, the ghost will be referred to as a "he" because a female cat with a big white beard is just... Difficult to picture)

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