The Fiftieth Chapter

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(I seriously can not believe that most of you guys fell for my April Fool's prank. That's the third time I've pulled something like this off and you still haven't learned XD. But I'm touched that so many people love my book! Anyway, ChailinnHendrickson gave me the idea for this chapter, so here's a cookie: (:::))

First things first, let's resolve the cliffhanger by returning to the attic of the Creepypasta Mansion, where Smiley and Smirky were in the midst of confrontation.

One was desperately stalling for time and the other was wondering how loudly someone would scream if he snapped off their teeth one-by-one with a pair of pliers.

The other creepypasta were still unconscious with no signs of waking up soon. Smiley's sleeping drug was very powerful, as demonstrated in one of the other special chapters when he used it to knock everyone out and deactivate the loony virus.

Sally had just run off and was acting strangely oblivious to everything else. Maybe she was a bit "out of it" too.

Smirky lowered his feet to the ground and stood up intentionally slowly.

Smiley's already-pale hand somehow turned whiter as he squeezed the handle of the knife. His preferred weapon would've been a bunch of scalpels to throw at a distance, but this would have to do instead.

The tension was hanging thickly through the air. So was the silence. They disagreed on who could linger and got into fighting stances just as the two brothers did.

Smirky and Smiley ran at each other, and so did the tension and silence.

The tension and silence began whacking one another over the head, determined to prevail.

At the last minute, Smirky suddenly jumped aside and behind Smiley, wrapping an arm around his neck.

"DiD YoU tHInk I wAS gOiNg tO LEt yOu sLiP AwaY?"

With all the skills of a surgeon, Smiley aimed a precise swing of the knife at his side.

Before the blade could sink into his flesh, the little crazy nutjob- I mean- Smirky, reached out to intercept his hand while tightening his own hold.

"I WoUlD ReTHinK AboUT dOiNG SoMEtHinG LiKe tHaT iF I wERe YoU."

"Well thank goodness you're not me," Smiley muttered under his breath, twisting around to try and loosen the arm around his neck enough to breathe properly.

We will now press the pause button on those two for now.

The scene suddenly seemed to freeze and become slightly staticky.

BEN Drowned walked across with a tub of popcorn and took one look at the scene.

"Well he's screwed," the elf remarked before going on his merry little way.

After BEN had been booted out of the author's iPad and told to take a hike, she continued writing and provided the readers with a change of scenery.

Mainly, it was Jeff the Killer climbing through the window of a random house so that he could slaughter everyone inside.

After carefully looking around to make sure there were no karate awards lying about, he tiptoed up the stairs, passing by the lounge where the television had been carelessly left on.

"And in recent news, a rash string of killings has occurred somewhere in the neighborhood and the perpetrators of these crimes are suspected to be independent entities-"

"Stupid people, wasting electricity like that. Never mind. It won't matter once they're dead...," Jeff muttered under his breath, carefully sliding his prized knife out of his hoodie pocket.

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